We pack a diaper bag for Jake and -insert appropriate foster dog name here- whenever we drop them off to be boarded, baby-sat, or go on a trip with us.
I didn't pack anything when the rescue director watched Jake and Ax last weekend, but she only had them for a few hours, so it wasn't necessary.
We pack food for them because we feed them special food and don't want to mess with what they eat (for reasons you know). I pack their bed, toys, treats, etc., so they have all the comforts of home. From now on, I am not packing a bed when I board them because Jake shreds them. He is a jerkface like that.
Re: ::Zilla::
ironically, my mother is the only person i trust with the dog because i know she's not going to let him go into her other rooms and get involved in something he should be leaving alone. she also won;t feed him people food, which is why i refuse to leave him at my MILs. i'd board him, but i haven't made the time to sign him up for the local dog hotel type place, and they require all of this paperwork. mom does it, and i end up giving her gifts for it.
next time i may pack his doggie steps so he can get into the bed to sleep with her at night. she hates that he wants to sleep in the bed, so she makes a makeshift floor bed for him out of the cat blankets, but the mental image of the dog and mom arguing about letting him sleep in the bed is hilarious to me.
i never thought to pack a bed, but i may buy a cheapie one to stay at mom's if there is a next time. lucky for us, scrappy doesn't shred the bed. only tissues, napkins, and paper towel rolls. he always sticks his face into our coat pockets if the coats are on the backs of chairs, and puts whatever he finds in his bed. usually it's tissues, sometimes it is money. i wonder what he is saving up for (maybe it's a new toy).
Jake is all hopped up on the kleenex, too. He loves them!
I think Scrappy is saving up for a plane ticket to come see us. I already promised him a new toy when he gets here - Jake!
my coworkers now save empty paper towel rolls and leave them on my desk. this is one of his favorite things, and i have everyone i know getting in on it. i told you he's low maintenance!
it's funny to say to DH, "where's the dog?"
and then we look around and see the dog walking from the kitchen table to his bed with two bucks in his mouth.
"Where's the dog?"
"Going to get a slice, apparently."