OK... I decided to give it a shot. After a horrible experience with The Keeper in high school I figured to give The Diva Cup a shot. I love it SO MUCH MORE! The thing I didn't like about The Keeper was the stiff stem that was very pokey and uncomfortable but The Diva Cup has a more flexible stem. LOVE!
BUT... now I'm kind of getting crampy. I've had it in for about 10 minutes for the first time ever. At first I think I had it in too far because I was getting really bad cramps. So I pulled it out a bit and now it's a little more comfortable but I'm still getting a few cramps. I noticed that at the start of my cycle tampons make my cramps worse (I get horrible cramps) but by this stage of my cycles (towards the end) I don't usually have cramps. What am I doing wrong?
Re: Yet Another Diva Cup Question
I'm on my first cycle with my Diva, and just a little while ago I was very uncomfortable, which quickly turned painful. I went to the bathroom and realized my Diva was way to far in. I guess it wasn't fully opened and shifted higher than when I put it in (which was probably a little too high, but I figured it would be ok). So maybe it's still a little too high. As a former tampon user, it took a couple of times to adjust to it being so low. Judging from my experience today, it's still an adjustment.
I hope this helps!
BTW: I'm so glad I switched!
I've never had cramps from it, but i wanted to let you know you can trip the tip off (as per someone's suggestion i used a knife, and cut it at an angle, that is, after i used scissors and got a pokey, scratchy edge). It may help you with proper positioning.
Best sound ever: baby's heartbeat! (Heard @ 10w1d)
I too, have noticed that I have felt more crampy with the Diva Cup. I've never had bad cramps at all. I tell my self that it is just my body changing ... not the Diva Cup. I totally love the DC and never want to use tampons again!
This. Mine was poking me when I first used it, and it absolutely needed to be trimmed. I've been using it a year and love it!
I get bad cramps, too, but not from the dc. You should probably ask your obgyn about that. If something being in you makes you hurt, there might be something wrong.