probably because it was clear I was working from home on a dang snowday.
(And she wasn't really mad at me, I made 1 small fubar and it was easier to throw a fit at ME and storm off than deal w/ the people who had made BIG fubars who were really pissing her off)
And boss isn't here today...yay! Although she's already called me 3 times. boo! (boss has that habit--can't ACTUALLY take a day off or quit micromanaging)...I just have to suffer through until 6:30 and then, tomorrow? my day off?
I'm actually GETTING IT OFF (for the first tine in like 3 weeks).
And I"m having my doctor's appt, which I"m actually excited for :_P (NT ultrasound)
Re: so boss quit being pissed at me yesteday
There will probably be heartbeat, there will probably not be a guess at gender, and "m not sure if they'll give me's mostly to check for genetic diseases.
They tried the Heartbeat at the last appt. and Beauford refused to cooperate.
absolutely min.
The last I saw on her Tues afternoon was her asking if I knew something, me saying "yes, I'd been told early in the AM" (I hadn't yet e-mailed her to tell her I'd been told--that was my bad. But it was a small bad and it wasn't even 24 hours yet and it was NOT urgent info IMO). To which she said "well if you already KNOW everything there's no point in me being here talking to you" and stormed out.
To which my poor employee was all "wait, what? is she mad?" And I said "yes, not at you. Don't worry about it".
It's like working for my mother--lots of crazy but she forgets quickly. usually.
Yes, for Downs. I was wondering if you would get to hear the heartbeat, because you'd mentioned before that you had not.
honestly, it's also the 'reassurance' thing.
I'll know it's not etopic. I'll know there's a heartbeat.
SoI'll tell the secretary so she quits asking if I"m OK (I'm fairly sure they think I'm dying of something and not telling them).
And we'll start on moving the office into the library and making a nursery.
Because ZOMGS, the Mr.'s planning nature is starting to panic :-P