Local Crisis Pregnancy Praise & Simple Help
PRAISE: The Aurora Pregnancy Information Center
recently received a grant from Focus on the Family that provided a ultrasound machine so that pregnant moms could see
their babies - and hopefully decide to allow their babies to live
rather than aborting them. This is a wonderful tool and a huge
PRAISE 2: In order use the ultrasound
machine, PIC needs nurses. They already have several nurse volunteers signed up
(PRAISE) to help and need additional nurse
volunteers who could volunteer a few hours a week
In order to perform
the nurse volunteers must go through a training program this coming Monday
(8/11) or the following Monday (8/18). Part of that training involves performing early-term ultrasounds. Are you or anyone
you know in weeks 7-20 of pregnancy? If so, would you be willing to help
this very important component of the PIC ministry to off the ground by allowing
these nurses to take ultrasound pictures of your baby on either Monday 8/11 or
8/18? You'll end up with a free
ultrasound (performed performed under the supervision of a registered
ultrasonographer) and the nurses will end up with the training they need to
perform ultrasounds for mothers facing crisis pregnancies -
you'll have an
important part in saving children's lives. They need 10 additional
moms for this coming Monday, 8/11 and 20 additional moms for Monday,
is a simple way to make a significant impact by helping to save children's
For more information or to volunteer, please call Janna Woodard at the Pregnancy Information Center (630.896.8600).