So, we had gotten my parents set up to be able to stream Netflix. Everything was going well, but we had them upgrade their internet to a higher bandwidth.
The upgrade happens and it all goes to pot. Internet won't work.
Mom calls AT&T and they try to tell her that they need filters on the DSL line. I tell them that AT&T just gave them a total BS excuse, b/c it's impossible to TALK on the phone w/out those filters on already. They already had those filters and I point them out. Dad tries to argue with me. I say, Just let DH come over tonight and we'll get it fixed.
IDK what Mom said or did to the service lady, but she called me and said there was no need for us. AT&T came out the same day she called them back, no service charge, and gave them a brand new modem and router combo at no charge. Turns out it was their fault.
I've been at the receiving end of one of her tirades as a teenager. It must've really sucked for that AT&T serviceperson, but they did fix it and admit their fault.
Re: S/O: AT&T