H finally came around about the house selling/buying/moving thing. He's right - we're not going to see a huge rebound return on our house in the near future and will need to stay there a while. But I've always been resigned to that fact. I told him he could go ahead and schedule an appt. w/our realtor to see where she'd price the house, to humor him. He came home later that day and said a bigger, better house on the next street is selling for $nothing. Adurrr. I also told him he could shop, plan, etc. all he wanted, Momma Leg wasn't going nowhere nohow.
The other plus is that we're getting a new AC sooner rather than later. Our works, but is on its last legs. The new one will be tres awesome, come with a tax rebate, have a humidifier for the winters, work as a hot water supplement system and generally knock our electric bills in half. I'm in love with THAT idea already.
Re: The good news
I don't suppose you have an HSA?
If you have an HSA and you can get your doctor to say you need a new HVAC unit for your health it's a HSA-qualified reimbursable purchase.
Still awesome!
Our HVAC unit sucks. If you leave the heat on in the morning you get a 7 minute shower before the water turns cold. WTF sense does that make?
IDK BC. That sounds effed up to me. Unless your AC unit is tripping the breaker to your water heater? Still, IDK.
We're still debating on whether or not to install a UV filtration system, which will totally eliminate the need for filters.