I'm mainly a lurker and I'm not normally one to trash someone's reputation, but I'm REALLY angry and several other "stories" have come to light since this happened to us so I'm offering my word of warning...
First off, always trust your mommy instincts...second off, go to Portsmouth, Rochester, or York instead....
Basically, my newly 2 year old son fell off of the back of our chaise lounge on Sunday night onto our hardwood floors...I know parents say they have "busy" kids, but my son is like busy squared and he's very rough and tumble and him falling is like an every day occurence around here.
He did not calm down, so we headed off to WD ER for him to be seen. They were obviously worried about a concussion (as was I...) but in the triage he actually fell asleep ON me...face down so they put us in a treatment room and let him rest. They did wake him up to check his eyes, head, mouth, and ears...and then he fell back asleep.
I specifically mentioned to the ER doc that he was pulling at his shoulder, and he had a bruise on the rear part of his shoulder, but they dismissed this saying "he wouldn't be sleeping is he had a fracture" and "he's doing everything a normal 2 year old should be doing"
They did not even visually look at his shoulder, check his range of motion, and declined to do xrays.
Sent us home to check him every 3 hours for a concussion by waking him. The End.
He was up ALL night, tossing and turning and whimpering and moaning...they actually told me not to give him a pain reliever so I didn't
so after a very rough night, it became super obvious in the morning something wasn't right...he would not let us pick him up, was tucking his arm by his side, crying, whining....so we went to our regular pedi who just upon taking his shirt off and LOOKING at him said he had a broken clavicle bone (you can clearly see where the break is once the doc pointed it out to me)
Xrays of course comfirm, my 2 year old baby broke his collar bone....he broke his collar bone and the ER just completely missed it. I truly felt as though I was treated like some idiot paranoid mom...and they sent my baby home to SUFFER through the night with a broken bone.
I am sick over this, and VERY upset...I haven't even contacted the ER yet to let them know...oh by the way you sent my kid home with an undiagnosed broken bone....so that's my word of warning to you...on top of everything else I feel like I wasn't a strong advocate for my son to this doctor when in my heart of hearts, I knew something was wrong with him.
Thanks for reading.
Re: My Wentworth Douglas horror story
Awww...poor baby!
Sometimes it is hard when they are acting so "normal" for other kids, the Dr's don't believe that they aren't acting normal for them. I have had that happen w/ Owen b/f too.
Hope he makes a quick recovery!
And try not to beat yourself up too much about it, you did what you could. You trust the Dr to do their job.
Aww, that poor kid! I hope he feels better soon!
Believe it or not, things like this happen at EVERY hospital, I should know, something similar happened to me at Portsmouth and Exeter, and one time it almost cost me my life. I don't trust any ER sadly...the error rates are through the roof at almost all of them. It's scary.
I am so sorry you went through all that and your little man had to suffer all night. ER's are notorious for just pushing people through as quickly as possible and it is sad, but they do tend to treat first time mommas as morons. My SIL actually lied and told the ER staff that my nephew is her third child so they would not treat her like a neurotic 1st time mom. I hope your son makes a quick recovery and is feeling better soon.
OMG! I can't believe that! And your poor poor little pumpkin =o( I cannot believe with them clearly seeing him in some sort of pain that they said no pain reliever, not even a dose of tylenol!!! My DS when he was 17 months broke his collar bone (clavacle) as well from falling off the couch to the floor, same thing. We realized when he couldn't lift his food to his mouth at dinner an hour later with that arm we knew something was up. We went to parkland ER, (where I would not have had him admitted if he needed to be) but it was closest to us at the time....they did xrays right away and checking it out with range of motion etc and grilled us multiple times on what happened trying to make sure we didn't change our story etc etc trying to make sure it wasn't abuse or something.
I'm so surprised an ER did SO little and overlooked SO much on your little boy. Unreal! They gave Drake bigtime pain reliever right away after the xray and a script for it and we also had to get him a little snoopy sling so he would not try to move it so much, but I remember him falling asleep on me in the hospital too and just so miserable and in pain whimpering =o( My heart totally goes out to you and your little guy. I'm so sorry you had that awful experience. I would be calling them very soon to do a huge complaint and write a letter as well.
I'd be upset too, at the very least they should have done an xray. My 3 year old niece just got a cast off of her leg after a hairline fracture in her tibia that she really wasn't exhibiting any big symptoms from. My sister brought her to the hospital as a precaution and even though the doctors thought it wasn't anything, they did the x-ray anyway and discovered the fracture. Everybody who looked at the xray was shocked that she was not in more pain!
With little kids, it is especially important that broken bones be treated properly and picked up on as soon as possible because their heling process is so much faster because they are growing so much!
Good luck with everything and I'm sure that your son will do well now that he has been diagnosed correctly! I don't blame you for being upset with that hospital and please don't beat yourself up, you did the right thing by bringing him to the ER. You just trusted that the doctors knew what they were doing, and they were not thorough enough.
The reason why they said no to pain meds where because of a possible head injury. Tylenol is a blood thinner. If he did have a head bleed the tylenol would make it worse. Hense the reason why you needed to wake him every couple of hours. I would bet that it would be ok to give him some motrin today. GL!
Your poor baby and poor you! I hope he's feeling better soon!
I'm really surprised, but like others have said it can happen at almost any hospital. We have had excellent experiences with Wentworth between the ER, surgeries, etc. (unfortunately my family has had too many reasons to go lately) But I found them to be very thorough, so that is why I'm surprised, but I'm not a mom and I"m not a nurse so I don't know what the norm is for kids.
I personally trust them and know many people that work there or have had good care there. .