A comment at Under1000BrainCells:
Saint Therese de Kefiro said...
Maine Department of Health and Human Services- Adult/Child Abuse Neglect Hotline has been notified. Their telephone number is toll-free: 1-800-452-1999. They were given all the info and URL to her blog. The caseworker was horrified at what little bit I told her. She was having someone from their computer department print out the entire blog, so she can make a point-by-point listing of items to check on. The caseworker even admitted the hospitalization of Danny was odd nad is requesting the medical records. Patient-doctor priviledge and HIPPA regulations do not apply when their is abuse suspected. Emily is flying her broom on the radar now.
She can expect the knock on her door any day now.
I hope they save her children.
Please call, if you want to save her children. Can you imagine having been raised by this sick ***?
I wonder if any of that will make it to the blog - or if it's happening. Dan apparently tweeted that "There is no CPS in Maine.", but then said on his blog that he was kidding - he knows it's called DHHS, instead.
Re: Oh-ho!
I have mixed feelings about this. I think she needs someone to sit down with her and have a nice long talk about nutrition, etc., maybe convince her to take advantage of WIC. But I hope they don't take the kids away from her. At least I think she honestly believes she is doing what is right for her kids (without sacrificing any personal pride). And she needs to realize that there is a trade-off in sharing so much personal information on the interwebz.
And hasn't she said that she has been investigated before?
I just a friendly gal looking for options.
Ditto Zsa.
I"m w/ zsa on the mixed feelings...in part because one doesn't rip someone out of a cultish mindset by 'persecuting' them (no, it's not persecution but it will bee seen as such.
I think a good intervention w/ someone trained in dealing w/ brainwashed idiots would do more.
I have some limited experience with CPS and they will investigate. However, the kids are fed, clothed, have shelter, and it doesn't seem like they are hit or neglected.
I don't see this as being a situation where they are going to remove the kids from their home. Yes, they might have to attend some kind of parenting classes at the most, but you never know what they might find in their investigation.
They leave kids in much worse circumstances than that, but i do hope they talk to her or something. not that it'll help, but one hopes they'd do something.
They won't just up and take her children from her. They'll probably make her attend parenting classes, and make her take WIC. She needs it. They make NOTHING and she keeps popping out babies. Basic math should show her 1000/2 is not the same as 1000/5.
She's not necessarily a *bad* mother so much as a misguided idiot who shouldn't have procreated and did.