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Read this.
I'm all sorts of
. So many questions.
Re: What the what?
I started a mental list of "what" and decided to post because, well, why should i be the only one suffering?
- is it only me that finds it a little creepy to sleep in bed with someone else's son?
- how in the world did they manage to make a baby?
- what does biomom think about this?
-why did she ever go along with this in the first place?
-to me this dude is undateable. bed sharing with your kid is weird to me, especially if you're in an intimate relationship with someone other than his biomom
-what about when the kid hits pre-puberty?
- EW. i can't stop thinking it's weird.
I didn't get past the first sentence. Babies/children sleeping in parents' beds is just *ugh* to me.
I just a friendly gal looking for options.
Further down she says that SS is only with them every other weekend, so that's how they made a baby.
Also people are all OMG WTF about him making his PREGNANT wife sleep on the floor. Original poster admitted they need counseling. Someone suggested she kick him out until he grows *** up. I agree with them.
Also, he told her that he would be moving into a different room after the baby came because he needs his sleep (!!!)
WTF dude?
The whole thing is a hot mess.
OTOH, yeah, the H is basically being a dictator--she should have some say in her own sleeping conditions. Not to mention the H saying mean things and "taking it out on the baby." Anyone who throws a tantrum and says pissy things about a fetus is either two years old, or has issues.
OTO, she didn't do herself any favors when she tried to kick SS out to make room for the baby. That may be her goal, but she was stupid to phrase it that way. Who wouldn't be irritated if their new spouse basically said they want to replace your first kid? I don't care if she's uncomfortable, the way she handled it made things worse.
But yeah, the H is still being completely unreasonable.
i broke up with a guy because his thumbs were shaped oddly. to me, the first time he said they were all sleeping in bed together would have been a dealbreaker. SS should have never been sleeping in bed with any of them ever Ever EVAR.
so to me, the rest of the issues aare moot because it never should have progressed into this relationship to begin with.