hey y'all. we've dug out from the snow, and i am back at work, finally. man, i'm telling you -- seven days off. i look at the "the shining" in a whole new light.
what's been happening: two weeks ago, i received new information about my grad program. based on this new information, there was a good to excellent chance that i would not be able to graduate.
yes, i flipped the schnuck out. i've been in conversation with the dean of the college, rather than the head of the program, in order to sort the whole thing out. i still need to meet with the dean (and possibly other deans) but the upside is basically that i should be able to graduate. i need to explore some options, but i should be fine.
and then it snowed and the world in dc ended.
Re: drive by
Good to see you!! Sorry about the grad program.
::grabs Hmo's leg and holds on::
Don't ever leave us like that again!
Don't you know we need some smoke signals or something. Glad you dug yourself out.
Sorry to hear about school I think this calls for a pop off.
Holy hell. When are you projected to graduate (if you know)?
nola, it was a pop off. i ended one email the same way i end rants here -- "is there anything that you could say that i would find either convincing or acceptable? i am inclined to think otherwise. please advise immediately."
if i could have ended it with a picture of
i would have.
i am now expected to graduate with the rest of my class, thank goodness. especially considering i already sent in my application for graduation and my parents booked flights.
::borrows this pic for my own use::