Needs to grow the eff up. She's 25 going on 15.
She's helping to host a baby shower for her BFF. I've been invited to go and plan on attending.
She just texted me and asked if I could bring plastic ware, water, and 7 layer taco dip. WTF? I was not asked to help plan the shower and nor do I want to. It's not my BFF.
I don't have plastic ware to provide for this shower. IDK why she thinks that I do. I might have some in my pantry...But it's not like I horde it or anything.
For whatever reason, even though we've told people eleventy-billon times, DH only gets free water if his boss decides to give it away. Other than that, we have to buy cases of water (if we want bottled water) just like common folk. We don't get discounts or anything because DH works for Nestle.
I don't have a 'taco dip' recipe. If I wanted to make it, I'd google it.
::sigh:: I guess I'll be calling her after work to set her ass straight.
Re: *sigh* my younger sister...
Crap...I Mean Crafts
I know! *smh* My parents taught us better than that. I love my little sis, but srsly, my parents have done her no favors as far as getting her to grow up. I think they 'helped' her for far too long.
Crap...I Mean Crafts