Quad Cities Nesties
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applying for nursing school!
I'm filling out my application for the LPN program at Capital Area in Springfield, IL.
I finished the CNA program in November and have been working as an aide since December.
I'm applying for the class starting in August. Wish me luck!
Re: applying for nursing school!
So I've heard! I'm hoping that I'll be able to manage one twelve hour shift a week so I have some sort of income.
Of course, until then, I'll be working as many hours as possible to save $$.
I know! I was going to go to Richland, but when they accepted my credits from Mizzou [knowing that I want into the RN program], they accepted half of them and chose to not accept certain classes that I need for the pre-reqs.
Sooooo... I've decided to go the LPN route for now. In and out in less than a year and I'll be making more money... so that when I do go back and get my RN, when I work part-time I'll bring in more income than as a CNA.
Plus, I'd kind of like to have a baby in the next few years. Spending a year taking classes I've already taken and then two years in the RN program means waiting until I'm nearly 30 to reproduce.
I'll be over 30 when I reproduce
And who knows if fertility issues arise. I only had about 30 or so credits accepted, so I hear ya on doing alot of pre-reqs.All in all, I'm taking 90 credits once this is said and done to get the BSN. Stupid waste of the first bachelor's degree. I'm hating this semester due to the stupid liberal arts crap I have to take. But this route gets me done with school quicker than the AA RN (one year or more quicker, if I could get in!). How bad is the wait list at Richland?
I'm just having bad baby fever again this week. I should have been KU by now if I had not decided to go back to school. Stupid economy making me want to do different. Seems like every month we have another friend having a child-- or getting a divorce. We're about 1 for 1 in the last 3 months on that
I'm not sure how bad the waitlist for Richland gets. They only accept 20 students a semester. I'm assuming the waitlist gets tossed out after classes start and then you apply again.
I really hope I get in. I had to pay a $70 application fee for CASPN [isn't that ridiculous?]. I'll also have to pay $35 to take the entrance exam. I'm also supposed to be CPR certified before I start the program, which will cost like, $40 with the Red Cross. I'm wondering, though, if I talk to my employer, if they might pay for part or all of it. That'd be pretty sweet.
I'd definately talk with your employer about taking it with them.... even if you aren't paid for doing so, it's $40 saved
Richland must be very small. The CC here takes 70, but only in the fall. So I'd have to wait until Fall 2012 to start at this point since I don't have Chemistry in the last 5 years... annoying that you have to have that done BEFORE you apply. Grrr. If only I knew that BEFORE summer '09 I could have done something about that. Oh well.
On that note, I should go back to studying! Ciao!
I'm not a huge fan of RCC. The first time I met with a counselor about the RN program, he was a d-bag and acted like he was so much better than me. He was saying I needed to take classes I'd already had. I just wanted to scream at him 'I WANT TO GIVE YOU MONEY"... Geez... here I want to go there and pay them and he's being an a$$ about it.
I'm hoping that we'll be moving shortly after I finish the LPN program. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that CAT will move us away from Illinois.
Whaaaaaaat? KCMO is the best! We grew up just south of KC and have family in the area. If CAT had a plant there, we'd go in a heartbeat.
Funny story... DH's best friend works for CAT. He and his wife live in Peoria. Said friend encourages DH to apply at CAT, thinks it'd be great if we lived in Peoria. Okay. Apply. Job offer. Decatur. Boo.
How much does Decatur suck? The day we live here we look online to find the nearest Sonic. There's not one. I cried. Go to the mall to get jeans at the GAP. No GAP. I cried. Today, Old Navy closed its doors. I'm thinking about crying.
Oh, and it smells like dog food.