My co-worker called me, and I had to hear all about her husband issues.
It's a darn snow day. Please be leaving this for your usual b****** on Monday. K
They are both mid 40 with 3 kids.
He was raised that you had to be on deaths door before you were allowed to stay home from school.
He uses all of these home remendies to cure everything. He's one step up from windex.
She thinks that a sick kid should not be forced to go to school.
She always stays home with the sick kid, because of the above.
She didn't come to work yesterday, because their DD was sick.
It turned into a big fight.
She called to see how I was enjoying the snow day off. I was enjoying Maury until she called, and now I don't know if he is the Baby Daddy.:(
Re: DG jinxed me.
Hey - not my fault!
And this is another reason why you should get TiVo. You can always pause Maury.
Given the track record of that show, I think it's safe to assume that he probably is the father.