Last week, we planned to have dinner with H's ex-g/f (J) and her wife (B), but H got stuck at work and we rescheduled to this past Saturday.
Let me just preface this by saying that I have no issues with J and B being a couple. I think they're both lovely, kind people. And I really hate that they can't have a recognized marriage or adopt in FL - both really boil my blood. I also understand why, after 8 years, H and J are still friends. We all got along really well.
Awkward. First, J looks nothing like she did 10 years ago, so I walked right past her when I first entered the restaurant. I've only seen her in old photos. She grabbed my sleeve and said, "Nicole?" B looks like Jabba the Hut (sp?). I've never met a more sloth-like person in my entire life. Maybe she has some medical issues, but ol' girl could've walked a little faster and eaten more quickly. Also, there's nothing about B that would make me say, "Oh, I understand why J switched from peen to vag." Or anything that didn't make me want to *v when I looked at her. And no, Bmom, it wasn't b/c she was more than a size 12. I honestly have not seen a less attractive person in a long time.
There was a lot of good convo between the four of us (DD didn't contribute much). The awkward highlights were J and B saying they'd worn out their old bed and had a new one delivered Saturday morning. Wouldn't have been creepy if B hadn't said, "Ya know what I mean? <wink!>"
On the topic of adoption/babies, J asked me some ?s about our hospital stay, etc., and I mentioned circumcision being a cash business. Then H busts out with the comment that he'd want his son to match, so OF COURSE we'd have a son circumcised. B says, "OMG. I so didn't need to know that." H says, "Well, 66% of the women at this table have seen it for years at a time, so I didn't think it was that big of a secret."
There were also some awkward pauses when J and B were discussing sperm donors, getting pregnant and having adoption issues. J's parents really gave her a guilt trip when we had DD - they said, "That could've been you!" so I know that stuff weighs on her mind.
Ffwd to the end of our 3 hour dinner, as we're leaving, B said, "I'm really looking forward to getting home and celebrating Vday in our new bed." Seriously, Jabba. I'm glad you have a healthy sex life, but FFS I don't want to hear about it.
It's not something we'll do 1x a month, but it was nice to visit with them.
Re: Awkward Dinner
I just a friendly gal looking for options.
::Nods head in agreement::
Also, at those comments.