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S/O childbirth Clicky Poll:
Re: S/O childbirth Clicky Poll:
I imagine that i'll be screaming for an epidural. Then again, i've known mothers who had a "birth plan" and it changed when the time came.
I chose did receive meds, though with a c/s that's a given. But I had plenty of contractions with DB1, and I promise I would have gotten an epidural if I were going vag.
At least, I know I would have wanted one. Strangely, I'm sortof all about the extremes in this area - either go for the elective c/s or try to go as naturally as possible, because I do believe the interventions lead to issues.
Perhaps they should have shoved an itinerary up their vajayjay so Baby would know he/she is NOT acting according to plan. How rude of that baby. Rude rude rude.
I just a friendly gal looking for options.
for context:
i had meds/epidural during my labor. but i went into it with an open mind, and a goal of seeing how far i could go. part of my birth plan included not wanting to be offered medication, but if i asked for it to give it to me.
i went 18 hours with no meds. and pretty much the only reason i got the epi was because i hadn't progressed AT ALL, and was emotionally drained.
i ended up needing even more numbing drugs as i ended up with a c-section.
for BL 2.0, i'm not sure yet. i have to decided between a vbac and a scheduled c/s. if i go vbac, i can't be induced so no pitocin, but i need to do more research about the availability of an epi.
it's an emotional issue. especially if you've researched everything and you know how things are "supposed" to work.
it is best to have an open mind about what is going to go down, but it can make you feel like a complete failure as a woman if you end up with a non-scheduled c/s. ask me how i know.
IF/Baby Blog
2 years, 2 surgeries, 2 clomid fails, 2 IUIs, 1 loss, IVF #1 - 10/25/10 = BFP!
TTC #2 - June: surgery #3, FET #1 w/ Lupron = canceled, poor lining
FET 1.2 mini-stim = BFN
FET #2 mini-stim, no BCPs = BFP 5dp5dt, betas:11dp5dt=350,13pt5dt=978, 16dp5dt=4606!!
I can't wait for the "im getting a divorce" post in 5 years or so because your husbands were fed up with your disgusting chair asses from playing on the knot all day and getting fired 4-5 times for not doing any work. you guys are all winners!! ~ Laur929
this is my big fear -- being in a lot of pain for a long time, and emotionally bailing.
Zsa, I thought about a couple ladies that are in your circumstance. I just didn't think it was appropriate for me to put that on there... I imagine it could be a sensitive subject.. (for most?)
(Also, I did reply to your G.W. comment.)
I answered "gave birth and rec'd meds". However, if I hadn't had a c/s, I'd have tried to go without meds.
The next time I'm in labor (and the baby figures out it's supposed to descend), I'd like to try to go natural.
I'm not offended that you didn't add it as an option. I'm just talking because that's what I do best.
I just a friendly gal looking for options.
I hear that having a "birth plan" gives some women a sense of control over something that they really don't. I mean, if baby wants to come, baby is coming. If baby can't progress, doctor may have to do a c-section.
Confession: I'm not pg yet, but the birthing process has always scared me shytless.
Even though I know women have been doing this forever, I iz scared. wahh!
Oh I know. I was just talking back. Which is why I probably add entirely too many faces
It's hard to hear emotion/tone when it's text and you don't know the person.
It's a personal choice. I certainly didn't plan on 2 days of induction with no real progress. I wanted an epi and vaginal and ended up with a c/s.
Reminds me of one of my sisters. With her first, she decided she wanted to go natural childbirth. She went 24+ hours and did really well. Then all of the sudden....the back labor hit. She was all GIVE ME DRUUUUUUUUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS NOW! NOW NOW NOW! <------yes that was necessary.
With her second, she said "Yes, please!" to the epi.