Okay... I guess it's pretty much a done deal! We're waiting for an actual offer in the next week or so, and then I guess he gets to sign on the dotted line.
We're waiting for realtor info from my friend's mom, who lives over in the Anthem area - want to go with folks we can trust for sure, ya know?
I guess right now Ahwatukee, Gilbert, Chandler & Laveen are tops on our list of areas, although we'd both really prefer to be next to South Mountain at this point. We come from a land of hills & mountains and I've spent time in Phx... it's just so -flat- to me! *lol*
It sounds like we'll be getting moving assistance from the husband's new employer, which is -awesome-. Now it's all about selling the house up here (ugh!) and getting a place down there.
I'm a little freaked out but very excited all the same... I never get to do crazy things like this, like move to another state entirely, and I figure it's a once in a lifetime opportunity.
I'm freaked out about leaving family, not knowing anybody down there, and my poor animals making a 3-day trek down... but I guess that'll be worth it!
Aaaah! I guess I'll be joining you guys in the valley pretty soon!
Re: 90% chance of moving to Phoenix!
My husband and I have lived in the Valley for 3 years now. He's an Arizona native and I'm from Washington State as well. Its definitely different then the beautiful Pacific Northwest.
A piece of advice. As far as living in Laveen... I'd say don't go there! Its sort-of "up and coming" but pretty dangerous at night (Probably will be better in about 10 yrs). We live in Tempe and I work in Laveen on the Indian Reservation. Its pretty sketch!
I'd suggest staying in the East Valley (Gilbert, Chandler, Tempe, Awatukee) are all good. Parts of Awatukee are a little sketchy, and South Mt is not known as the most safe area.
Depends on how far away from "the city" you want to be, as Phoenix is one big urban sprawl. Most things happen around Tempe, Scottsdale and Phoenix proper. Gilbert, while nice is pretty far out and I'm not sure what your religious preference is, but its majority populated by the LDS community. Chandler is great and still close to shopping, and the rest of civilization.
People here are pretty friendly and you can definitely find your nitch. If you can, mover here either before May or after September. The summer is brutal!
I did my undergrad in AZ and moved to CA after college, I thought I'd NEVER come back here, but it grows on you and if you can survive a summer you'll make it! Good luck!
Hey there!!! I completely understand your concerns...we moved here in May from Upstate NY and let me tell, I was scared shiitless!!! But now I love it here and couldn't imagine going back to where I use to live.
As far as places to live...LOVE Gilbert, Ahwatukee, and Chandler. Like PP said, I don't love Laveen. We looked there once and thought it seemed a little sketchy!! Ahwatukee is my dream area but right now def. not in our price range.
We just put an offer on a house in Gilbert...it's great out there!!
We have a small dog that did the 4 day trip with us too and he did GREAT! We also gave him naturopathic drops to help calm him down a little...it helped a little.
We didn't know anyone but my husbands cousin who lives 45 min's from us. You will meet people and we'll def. be having more GTG's that you'll have to come to! :-) They are fun!
And if you ever get "girl" lonely and want to just get out and do something, let me know, I don't have many friends yet so I'd def. be down for it!
When are you looking to do the big move?
I'm partial to the Scottsdale and Fountain Hills area. I moved to Fountain Hills about ten years ago from Connecticut, and it was a great transition. It definitely has the hills and views you are looking for! Fountain Hills is a small town, very safe, and has great schools. Scottsdale is also very nice, but its a lot bigger, and some parts are a little seedy. Anything in North Scottsdale is safe though
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
I would disagree with the previous posted- I live in LaVeen and love it! We take our puppy out every night for walks- and typically walk up to 3 miles, and never do we not feel safe. I absolutely love it out here with the mountain views, the newer area's, and the family feel.
I grew up in Peoria, and moved to Tempe and didn't like it at all- like everywhere else, Tempe itself is nice, but the area surrounding it wasn't my liking (probably like the previous poster feels about LaVeen).
My suggestion- rent first, get a feel for different area's, and you'll find the right one for you!
Definitely rent first! And also, if you know where you are going to work, you may want to figure out what commutes will be like from various parts of the city.
A lot of people live in the east valley it seems like, but I grew up on the northwest side of town, and I LOVE it over there. If I ever move back to Phoenix (I live in Tucson now, about 2 hours southeast of Phoenix), I will likely want to live on the northwest side of town (Glendale, Peoria, Arrowhead area).
And I've been to Jenn's area, and I like it too. I don't think it's sketchy.
Well 90% welcome to you!
Ahwatukee, Gilbert, and Chandler are great areas. I live in Gilbert and I love the East Valley! What are you planning to do for work for yourself? That is great your guy has an employer, but it is probably going to be tough for you to find a job! House hunting will be neat, there is plenty available here for great prices! Good luck with selling your house and let us know when you are here!
I would rent first if I were you... Like PP's said.
And as far as PHX being flat??? No clue where you go that from. There are tons of mountains everywhere! Seriously. So if you want to live around mountains and not be in a sketchy area (IE South Mountian! **A friend of mine lived down there for about 3 years in all those amazing brand new homes. Her door got kicked in TWICE)
Areas to look at that have mountains that are good-nice areas, just off the top of my head.
Thunderbird between cave creek and 7th street area
Then 7th street south of thunderbird. By the point tapitio
Northern and 16th street
Glendale/Lincoln from 16thst down to Scottsdale pretty much.
The Shea and 32nd st area heading west.
Sweetwater and 32nd heading west
These are all in PHX...I guess it really depends, all the places you listed are super outskirts of town. It would take you 30-45 minutes to make it in to "town"
Good luck with the hunt. I would maybe do a 6 month lease somewhere before buying
Thanks for the warm welcome! I've spent a good chunk of time down there (what AZ considers "mountains" are what we in WA consider "small hills"), so I'm totally familiar with the city, the landscape, the people... it's not a bad place at all.
Peoria/Surprise are definite no-way-in-hell's right now - my ex-in-laws live up there and let's just say they're not exactly good people.
We're looking seriously at Gilbert, Chandler & Ahwatukee. His office will be right near Sky Harbor, so we're trying to keep it a short commute. We'd prefer to stay out of Tempe just because of the college kids... I know, hah, I'm the same age as some of them!
I'm old for my age, I guess.
I'm not worried about the change of climate or anything - it's just really gonna suck to leave my friends & my family! Church-stuff doesn't matter to either of us; we're not religious at all. Mostly it's finding a good, quiet neighborhood with views of the "mountains" y'all got! ;D (I know, they are technically mountains... but dude, they're so LITTLE! Our mountains are big, have snow... are... mountainous! haha!)
As far as renting/whatnot before buying, we'll probably be in a furnished rental while we look for a house. I have a bunch of friends & family who either live there now or recently left and they've given us a ton of great leads on good neighborhoods, realtors, all that jazz. Woohoo!
Now... to acquire an offer for the husband that includes 100% of the move... as in, dudes come in and pack up most of my house for me! Not lazy, but packing sucks, and we have a house to get on the market! YIKES!
I do promise that when we get down I'll be more active on the board - I'd love to meet more people our age! Thanks so much to all of you!