i can't believe i forgot this.
yesterday, i was coming home from work and heading to the metro. i was in a little hurry. the roads are a little icy, i lost my footing and i fell.
i luckily had time to put my hands out, but i was heading towards a sidewalk cut out, so i fell on a downward incline. totally cut up my knee, ripped my tights, and bruised my elbow. and yay -- my laptop broke my fall. (it's fine, thank goodness.)
this woman stopped to help me. she stopped and asked me if i was hurt, offered to accompany me to the hospital and had her phone out to call someone. i assured her i was fine, and as soon as i realized i had swallowed a mouthful of dirty puddle water, she laughed and said, "yeah, i guess you're fine."
so, in conclusion, people are basically good!
Re: heartwarming story
yay for OK laptop and nice people.
Boo for bruises and puddle water.
Crap...I Mean Crafts
Untold part of the story: The woman is now in a pit in hmo's basement.
This is why I won't wear anything but my tennis shoes or Patagonia loafers until the snow melts. Or until they totally clear the sidewalks & crosswalks. Whichever comes first.
That was really nice of her.
When I broke my foot there was one person who stopped to help me. He was an RN and he made sure I got on my subway train and everything. Unfortunately he didn't insist that I go to the hospital. But whatevs.