What it's really like to be a Mets fan. To have hope. To get your heart broken, repeatedly. But "ya gotta believe". : ) (I'm sure pre-2004 Sox fans know what it feels like!)
Anyway, Ben got to REALLY experience the quintessential Mets game:
Jose Reyes stole a base. David Wright hit a three-run homer. Pedro pitched well, with a four run lead.
Then we left, in the fifth inning. And apparently so did the Mets' idea of winning the game. The bullpen gave it up and we lost. So, the Mets lost the only game Ben will ever get to at Shea Stadium, before they tear it down for the new one. But at least he got there and they were winning when we left! And he had a GREAT time.
He charmed my Nan and Aunt and Uncle. Then after the game, we went back to our hotel and had my parade of friends stopping in to see him. He was SUCH a good boy, going without a nap and being passed around to people he's never met or hasn't seen since he was a week old. He conked out at 10:30 and then Larry & I watched this amazing lightning storm from our 8th floor window. This morning, we had breakfast with my Grandmother & Aunt, then met another friend at BRU, then took the ferry over to CT to escape rush hour. We finally got home around 10:15 tonight. He was such a GOOD boy in the car and has been eating and sleeping like a champ. He was a silly, happy monkey the whole time we were gone!
Here's a few pics:
Welcome to Shea Stadium, Benjamin Shea..
"Mom, the players look like ants. These were the best seats you could get?!?"
Eating, I mean, meeting my Goddaughter, Alexa:
Checking things out on the ferry:
Dada making a silly face on the ferry:(but look how beautiful it was!!)
Re: The kid had to learn sometime...
ah, the double handed, "going in for the kill" nose kiss. What a lovey.
He was making Alexa his!
And as far as the Mets fan...better they learn now than later. Some of Dh's college friends are hardcore fans and named their daughter Shea. She just went to her first game a few weeks ago. Of course, knowing Shea's dad pretty well, I didn't buy off the registry for their shower, I sent a pink Mets hat and jersey. He loved it.
omg j so cute!!!!
im glad he got to go to a game! thats awesome! the only time my babies come to a football game is when theyre in my belly! lol!
Oh yeah, he was in LOVE with Alexa!
That's cute about DH's friends. ?I fought so hard to get to use Shea as a first name, but it wasn't gonna happen. ?So I settled on it as a middle name. ?: )?