so freaking. not that im having yet another baby, but i keep freaking out like im going to lose this baby....
i dont know what the hell my issue is. i have no reason to feel this way.... and im starting to feel the baby move and yet, its completely unassuring to me....
every single time i go to the bathroom, when i wipe, im expecting to see lots of bright red blood.... and then im so relieved that the only thing there is pee..... i cant take it. im crying all the time, im stressing all the time. and on top of that i live in the bathroom, peeing. so like 15 -20 times a day i have this horrible "i just know theres going to be tons of blood" feeling and i cant shake it...... im fine when im not going to the bathroom.
i feel like such a head case! and i keep asking donny "am i starting to look pg?" and he says nope, and im just like " no, really hun, its ok am i starting to look even a little pg?" "nope" wtf?? i cant bend at the waist anymore and my clothes arent fitting and im in maternity shirts.... i cant see my toes and im looking like i always look????
see total head case!!!!! i have never been this looney about a pg. i dont know whats going on with me..... im freaking in the middle of 12 weeks. i shouldnt have to worry about having a mc anymore..... i didnt really worry when i was possibly having one because i know theres nothign i can do about it.
can someone please smack some sence into my brain. i really dont want to pee anymore and ya it sounds funny but im absolutely terrified to wipe after i pee.... and i have no reason to be.......
thanks for reading if you made it through this loopy post.
Re: guys im freaking about this pg... tmi maybe...
You're pregnant and emotional so if this is going to be the thing that you worry about, I think you can allow yourself the temporary psychosis. I feel bad that you are getting so worked up, though!
Maybe you could use a day of pampering, sans kids - to relax a little?
i'm sorry you're feeling this way, Kim! I certainly can't relate as i've never been pregnant, but I can certainly imagine the paranoia that comes with pregnancy - especially when you've had "scares" in the past, and have associated with many who have experienced the trauma of miscarriage. Try to relax, know that you're completely normal, and also know that we're all here for you if you want to vent, wine, cry, complain, whatever. *hugs*
ps - even if you don't look to others as pregnant as you feel, i'm sure you look amazing!!!
Hey hun, I'm late checking in here but I wanted to send you huge hugs. I completely know how you feel. Whether or not you've had a loss, being pregnant is a very fragile time emotionally - and every pregnancy is different so even if you didn't feel like this with the other two, it's okay that you are feeling it now. I have dealt with so much anxiety this pregnancy, but I don't get a "free pass" just because I've had a loss. It's normal to worry about your baby and want things to be perfect - it's what makes you a mom. I don't have a lot of advice other than to give yourself permission to have those feelings, try not to let them paralyze you and do whatever you can to reassure yourself (like a doppler?? that has saved my sanity for most of this pregnancy!). Hang in there, and know that you are NOT crazy. BIG HUGS.