Dh was home for 5 days straight and finally went back to work today. Most of that time we didn't leave the house due to all the snow we've had. I thought I was going to completely lose my mind.
He was home Fri, Sat and Sun as usual, then had Mon off for President's Day and Tues off because of the snow storm. Then he took yesterday off because it was his birthday. He works today and then is off on Fri, Sat and Sun for his usual days off.
I'm tired of watching cartoons and the Olympics, I'm tired of playing board games (or telling him I don't want to play any board games), I'm tired of how messy our house is because it's hard to keep things picked up when Mr. Messy is around all.the.time, I'm tired of the "what's for breakfast/lunch/dinner?" and "what do you want to do now?" questions.
It is way too much work to stay home all day with a 15 month old little girl and a 33 year old little boy. Today seems like a vacation day. It's just me and my girl, in our normal routine. How much do you think I can get done around the house today? I'm guessing about 100x the amount I got done in the last 5 days.
Re: Freedom!
H worked from home yesterday on my 1/2 day. I finally suggested bcbc b/c I knew he'd nap afterwards and STFU so I could get some work done. So sad.