So, Dh had to have the cystic fibrosis screen after I tested positive as a carrier.
Yeah, I got an "Explanation of Benefits" from my ins. the other day. Apparently, St. Joe's charged over $4700 for the procedure. To be fair, my insurance covered the vast majority of it. However, we were notified that our responsibility to provider is $889!!!
Are you KIDDING?! for a BLOOD TEST?!
So of course, I called up and was like "WTF" all over the poor rep. She called back and explained that because it wasn't "Routine" that it wasn't covered 100% by insurance and that $889 was applied to our deductible ($1000/member per year).
So now, I magically need to pull $900 out of my butt. And register two cars this month, and go to Disney. Sometimes, I really hate life. Like now.
And I want a taco, or a boars' head turkey sandwich, and I can have neither. Piss.
Re: You have GOT to be F&*(ing kidding me.
That does seem excessive. Ask for an itemized bill for the visit when YOU were tested and see what they charged you. Seems like that might be a bit of an overcharge for a lab test. I think the ins. co. is right about what they are doing, but seems like the hospital maybe overcharged? We can hope? Call someone there to talk about a possible billing error. Seems crazy expensive to me.
We got hit with some pretty big bills from St. Joes as well. Alot of the testing is not covered by my insurance, so we paid for the testing for Cystic Fibrosis, Downs, etc. We've paid a total out of pocket of about $600 in one shot. Luckly, that was my whole deductable, so it is better now. Kind of crappy then, but oh well. It was worth it to me just to know ahead of time what we could have been in for. My co-worker did not want any of these tests so she saved alot of money.
Long story short, make a payment plan with the hospital. They will be fine with that. Just pay what you can afford. Our deductable for me is only $500 thankfully. With an out of pocket max of $2000. Give them a call and see what you can do. If you end up having more $$ then you thought, then just send them more. I've done that in the past.
Yeah, I just called my ob office and the ins. person there is out but my nurse is leaving a note and i'm to call tomorrow.
To be honest, I don't even understand this paper I'm looking at. The $4772 is under the "provider charge" column, but the rest of this stuff doesn't add up. And I'm good with spreadsheets and numbers, but I can't get to $4772 when I try to back into it from what the ins. says it paid and what I'm responsible for, not even close- I get to about $2k. What happened to the other $2k?
Ugh. Some days are just out to kick your ass, seriously.
That seems really weird. I think my PG blood work where I had the CF screen was like $2000 (which I thought was expensive). That was all covered. Why would his be so much more expensive (and not covered?). I would triple check this before paying it. I'd be ticked off too!
I love St. Joes and all but they accidentally billed me for someone elses hysterectomy!! When I first saw it on the bill I was like "Oh no, I hope I didn't have one and they were afraid to tell me" LOL but it was actually billed a month before I had my c-section! You would have thought my insurance company would have caught that detail but they paid for it all and I almost paid my portion.
Heather, Who do you use for an insurance company? I know i had a hard time understanding my EOB's but when i figured it out it was pretty easy. I know with ours, there is a provider charge, and then an "agreed charge" amount. I know that with our Insurance, we can not be forced to pay anything above whatever the % is that is pre-determined by the insurance company of the Agreed charge. So if St. Joes agreed that they will not charge more then $450.00 for a test, but submitted a charge of $600, My insurance company would pay 80% of the 450 and we'd have to pay the rest.
I think im rambling, but i wonder if it is possible that St. Joes made a mistake and are trying to charge you for the submitted charge, and not the agreed charge?
I'm not sure, but I really appreciate all the insight.
We have Harvard Pilgrim, but we don't have the best HP because DH is "technically" a contractor and not an employee- so his company does their benefits through a benefit management company that handles their payroll, insurance, etc.
Ugh. I elected not to have that test because my insurance doesn't cover it and the doctor informed me that it would be approx. $2000. So that I can see, but $4k+????
I had a similar thing happen. I ended up paying over $1500 out of pocket for the lab work etc prior to my delivery... Ryan better thank his lucky stars he's a cutie because he cost a lot before he was born!
I ended up getting on a $100 per month payment plan with DHMC though... because I didn't have all that money available at the time.