So since last week, i've been telling Carl that we need to "do it" so i can start prepairing for labor. He was told in our Child Birth Class that "it" would help move things along. So up until i actually requested it, he was all for it.
Well, we get into bed last night and he comes in from the shower, all ready to go, but he couldnt get himself in the mood. Even when I tried, it didnt work out so well. Keep in mind, that after a while, it worked, but still.
When all was said and done, i just kind of asked him what was up. He said that he is thinking too much about the baby now, and he has a hard time getting in the mood. I used to be able to take my shirt off in the room (even just one month ago) and he'd want to tackle me. Now It takes everything I have in me to even get him in the mood. I told him he liked the toilet better then me, ha-ha! Keep in mind, i kept this all light. I did not want him to know it upset me a little. But now that i am thinking about it more, it does upset me. I know i dont have much longer to go, but this is all new to me. When I was with my ex, he LOVED pregnant women so i had to tell him NO all the time. LoL! Grrr... I guess i was just looking for insite. Have any of you girls gone thru this before? Im wondering if there is anything I can do to get him more "in the mood" for the remaining time I am pregnant.
TIA for your help!!
Re: Im a little sad... (warning, Real TMI inside this time).
Like Maisiemae my DH and I stopped around 6 months. Honestly, I was happy about it I didn't feel that great and wasn't really in the mood. I know LOTS of men who feel "weird" about having sex past 6 months or so (or when the belly gets fairly pronounced). My DH said he felt very weird about a 8 pound baby in my belly while he was "going at it". So, I wouldn't feel bad at all. Look at this way you made it to full term still having sex. That is pretty good really. And, you will be back to your old self very soon!
We were told to do it by our midwives when I was overdue... we looked at each other and laughed... but then went home and did our homework... It was so awkward and DH and I just kept remarking how unsexy it was and how it was just business....
Trust me, once that baby is out of you, he'll want to get back into things... probably before you're ready to...