I put a call into my doctor for PPD. Lately I've just been crying all the time and just haven't been myself, I don't know if it is exhaustion or something bigger....I know I had delayed bonding and like I mentioned before often wondered if it was from PPD. This morning I got up to feed Austin at 5:30am....I had been up since 2am when I last fed Austin and just could not get back to sleep...I went and fed him and tried to burp him for 30 minutes, changed him and then he got the hiccups and I tried burping him again and just felt myself getting more and more irritated and muttering under my breath in little swears of why he wouldn't burp (it just takes him a while sometimes). I did not like myself very much after that and quickly put him down in his crib and told Tom I could not go near Austin this morning and broke down crying.
I know that if I am indeed depressed that I am not being my full potential for Austin and he deserves a better mommy than what happened this morning....he's just a little helpless baby and I don't like the fact that I get so mad and irritated with him - it isn't like he does things on purpose....so I finally put the call in...
This is a huge step for someone in my family...my family tends to be the "stoic" kind and never seek help for anything....especially depression.
Re: Well, I finally did it
this is a huge first step for you!
your familiy and my family are kinda alike in that way of being "stoic" although i call it the stubborn french in me...
let me knwo if you need anything! im here for you!
I am SOOO very proud of you for calling the doctor. Sounds to me like you might have a touch of PPD, as well as it seems you are just physically exhausted. Talking to a doctor (or a councelor) is NEVER a bad thing. If they give you any kind of meds, it might be good to take them. Your mind is not resting fully when you try to sleep and hopefully the dr can help you. Also, since Tom seemed to do so well with Austin Yesterday, maybe he can keep that up for a little while when he gets home from work until you are "yourself" again!
Good Job Lisa! I am so happy that you took this step. If you need anything, please let me know. I know i have not met you personally, yet but I am more then willing to do whatever it is to help a fellow mom!! We're all like family on this board and Im sure you'll hear this alot! I will keep my thoughts with you!
I'm proud of you too! I can relate big time, although I have not had the courage to call my doctor yet. If you ever want to talk my email is below. I know we've never met but it sounds like I am going through alot of the same things you are. It will get better for me for a while but then i'll have a really bad day. And going back to work this week is not helping me much either! I hope the doctor helps you out. Good luck.
I'm proud of you Lisa. This is a big step. Its admitting that things just are not right and you need some help. I have delt with some of the same feelings and was put on meds for awhile. They did help and I was glad that I reached out to my doctor. Life changes so fast and so much once that baby gets here and I just had a hard time adjusting to everything. Please know that you are a great mom and we all get frustrated at times. Its normal. I'm here to talk if you want. I think you have my email. ((big hugs))
Let me know if you need anything! Also, let me know if you want to bring Austin over to play or anything like that. There is also a new Mom's group that just started. The lady who started it lives on my block and has a 9 month old. The group is different from Nini Bambini in that they don't meet during the day since a lot of the Mom's in the group work. They met for the first time on Sunday to go see Mamma Mia. I couldn't go but I am going to go to the outing on Saturday. It is an outing for both the Moms, babies, and Dad's to a farm which has a petting zoo and farm stand and things. I am going to put Jack in the carrier and have Jon carry him primarily around.
If you would be interested in joining let me know. I think it will be fun and they do things both just with the Mommies themselves and then with Mommies and babies together.
Good luck with your Dr's appt...my email is Moosemum@comcast.net if you want to join, etc. Tara
I'm very proud of you, Lisa, for taking this huge step for both yourself, and for your baby. Being a new mother is incredibly difficult as it is, and from following your story it seems Austin has NOT been an "easy" baby by any means. I hope your doctor is able to help you through this. Please keep us updated, and feel free to vent (or gloat) whenever you need or want to. We're all here for ya!
(((great big hugs)))
As someone that's been there, I know how hard it is to ask for help. ?I know that you know I went through this too, so if there's ANYTHING I can do, just ask. ?Call me tonight if you want to talk; I'll be around.
I am so very proud of you, Lisa! ?It *is* so hard to ask for help and you totally did the right thing for you, Austin & Tom. ?Please don't hesitate to make sure Tom is doing his fair share (at the very least!) right now, ?as you do not need the added exhaustion and stress. ?It's times like THIS that others need to step out and help more than ever!
You'll be ok, I promise!?
Big hugs to you, Lisa! I really love your insight and your courage and you know I am here for you, whatever you need from me.
You have great instincts and I am happy that you trusted them and took this step.
Really big hugs.
I'm so glad you are getting help Lisa! It will really make a huge difference for all of you. Make sure you take some time for yourself & take care of yourself too.
Good luck!