Central Florida Nesties
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What a whirlwind the past few days have been! I am technically co-teaching, but really the other teacher will be a pull-out teacher (get your mind out of the gutter, lol!) So the good thing about that is, I get her old room and she is moving to a resource room, so it's already set up and decorated! I spent all day making the little decisions I have to make and meeting with the other 1st grade teachers. I have a really great team - not catty at all!! There have been moments where I wonder why I didn't aspire to just be a cashier at Wal-Mart, but for the most part I am SO excited! I can't wait to meet my kids tomorrow! I have one that is legally blind, so that should be interesting
Re: I am POOPED!!
Oh sounds awesome!!!!
I had a blind child. She was AMAZING
Its funny she was in my internship in first grade, and then I moved to middle school this year and she is at the middle school now! 
The first week is always stressful. At my school we started Tuesday and we only have one day to work on the room...and I moved rooms! So I'm a bit stressed.
I'd love to talk to you about your experience with blind children, can you PM me?
Aw how exciting!!! :-)
I'm soooooo excited for you!!!!!! Tomorrow should be fun!!!
Aw how exciting!!! :-)
I'm soooooo excited for you!!!!!! Tomorrow should be fun!!!
I'm happy that you are having such a great experience! I hope it continues! The first year of teaching is the toughest. All of your time will be taken up with lesson planning and preparing for classes. You'll love it, but you'll ask yourself if this is something you want to do for the rest of your life. Just know that if you organize everything the first year, every year following, should be a lot easier!!!
I had a student 2 years ago who was legally blind. (this was high school) He was a great auditory learner, just like a tape recorder! He had oversized books, sat in the front row, and sometimes would walk right up to the board (practically putting his nose on the board) so he could see something that I had written. His fellow student understood his situation, but in all honesty, sometimes they would lose patience with him. The never said or did anything, I could just tell, kwim?
Tests and worksheets also had to be enlarged to a 10 x 14 inch size piece of paper, I think. His mom was really forthcoming and really tried to help out when she could. And although having him as a student required a lot more work on my part, he was a great kid, and it was worth the effort. I came out of the experience learning a LOT too!