Why hello lovies!
Alright, I'm headed to the AT&T store tomorrow I think, to ask them, but I thought I'd throw this out, just in case anyone who used to work/does work for either company was bored and around.
Currently, I am the primary on my VZW plan. I have my mom, and two brothers as secondary accounts under mine, but the bill comes in my name, etc, etc.
I am switching to AT&T soon, to be on a plan with my fiance. I will be breaking my contract with VZW to do this. My mom and brothers will be staying with VZW. How do I port my number without screwing up their numbers?
Should I:
1) Switch the primary to say, my mom, or my brother prior to my port to AT&T and have my number as a secondary
2) Switch my mumber to its own plan for a month or something on VZW, and then port to AT&T. Would this cause my current VZW contract to be further extended too?
3) Port whenever to AT&T and hope it doesn't port over all 4 numbers (obviously, I wouldn't let this happen)
4) Something else?
Thanks ladies!
Like I said, I'm headed there tomorrow, or sometime this week, to the AT&T store to see if they know. I called VZW about this before and all they were really concerned about was keeping me as a customer, rather than answering my questions, so I might have to not call the number and wait forever in THEIR store to get these questions answered..
Re: Questions RE: switch from VZW to ATT (Complicated)
In your situation, I would switch the primary to someone else before you port your number out.
Is your mom an authorized person to call and ask questions about your VZW account? If so, have her call and ask if there are any fees involved in making her the primary, and also ask her if there is any sort of termination fee for one of the numbers porting out. Maybe once they hear it isn't her porting out, they wont nag her about remaining as a customer. lol
DH and I switched from VZW to ATT last summer and ended up paying 2 partial termination fees to close our acct (we had a family plan but both of our lines had different contract dates somehow.) Also, they basically told us if we were going to cancel, go ahead, they didn't care. And at least 6 reps and 2 in store sales associates told us that. It was one of the main reasons why we did end up switching, because they basically didn't care and didn't want to do anything to convince us to stay.
Yes, my mom and my one brother are both authorized, but I will probably do all of the leg work involved.
And yeah, I will pay a partial termination fee. If I didn't hate my phone so much (it screws up all the time) coupled with the fact that I've wanted an iPhone for years, and now my fiance and I are going to get a family plan of our own, I would wait it out. It's up the beginning of December 2010. They told me the termination fee would go down $5 a month for every month I was on it. So, right now, it's about $115, I think.
I bought my mom and younger brother phones for Christmas a few years ago, and my older brother has been on since he was in college. Its just time to switch it all up, older brother needs to be on his own, I need to be with FI, and younger brother and mom need to have their own plan together with fewer minutes. I doubt they'd use 200 a month. All he does is text, and she never uses any.
"Glitter is the herpes of arts and crafts. It stays on you forever."
I think you're making a mistake getting an iPhone now when the new ones come out in June/July.
Every year apple updates the iPhone in June/July. This years update should be a major hardware/software update to keep the iPhone competitive with all the Android devices that have come out recently.
I'm also a VZW subscriber and will be breaking contract to switch to ATT, but I'm waiting for the new phone. I'd be kicking myself if I didn't wait for the new one, and then had to have an "old" phone for 2 years.
I did not say NOW, I said "soon" which is a relative term.
I was specifically asking about the porting issues only, not when I should port or what upgrade I should wait for. I generally start my research very early in the game, so I have no surprises. Yes, I'm that person.
I'm fully aware of the upgrades that Apple does each year and there are pros and cons to each. Why wait for something when 6 months after you get it, there will be another upgrade everyone will want? Then again, you can get instant gratification with the new technology.
And whichever decision I end up making, will not be a mistake, because it will be the right choice for ME.
Not trying to be rude, but I have already considered all of these issues considering the PHONE, and this post was about porting. Thanks though!
"Glitter is the herpes of arts and crafts. It stays on you forever."