figured i'd stop hijacking your post. ?yes, monday - i can not WAIT. ?it was supposed to be this week, but nate is away all week on business and i wanted him to be i am kind of wishing i just did it anyway, haha.
we *kind* of a have a girl name (we are arguing about the variation). ?i think, since i have to push the thing out my hooha, that i should get the final say, but am waiting to see if it actually IS a girl before i really fight about it. ?haven't talked too much about boys. ? we'll get more serious about it after we know. ?i'm so much less 'aware' of being pregnant this time around, haven't written down name lists, haven't looked in my great expectations book (by week) once, and actually forgot last weekend how many weeks i was when someone asked me. ?d'oh.
Re: **heather**
Don't feel bad, you aren't alone. I haven't gotten a book yet for Molly and I tracked everything with Alex. And I forget all the time how far along I am until I go to my site to see what my little widget tells me!
I think you are a wise woman to save the fight for when you know you need to have it, and I agree with you that you should get the final say. You'll have to keep me posted!