I teach a laptop based class and I hate it.
Today EVERYONE's computer decided to take a crap on them.
AND the test I am trying to give them won't load on their web-based program.
AND the test that was there...half of them took it and no score showed up.
AND half of the computers wouldn't connect to the internet.
AND this has nothing to do with my class, but my blog is all jacked and I can't get on blogger to fix it because blogger is blocked from work and it's killing me to know it's all jacked and I can't do anything about it
AND I have 33 kids in my face saying "Mrs. Y_L, my ____ isn't working!" "Mrs. Y_L, I just took the entire test and it says I didn't do anything!" "Mrs. Y_L, I don't know what's going on" "Mrs. Y_L what does this error message mean?"
AND I don't know how to fix ANY of these problems
I feel like I am going to have a mental breakdown right now. I needed to vent because all the kids are looking at me funny.
Re: I am having a nervous breakdown
::handing Y_L some mini cadbury eggs::
sorry, dude. ;(
We have one IT person for the entire district.
Omg. I cannot believe that.
That's what happens when California takes a_shit all over education.
ONE IT for the ENTIRE district? Too bad parents can't sue schools for malpractice.
We're facing a $16 million budget cut in my district next year. Better to get rid of IT than classroom teachers.
And the local community is the one who keeps voting against a ballot measure to give our school money, which is why my friend teaches in a portable that is sinking to the ground, has mold, and drips on her when it rains.
I swear, I love my job.
Sadly, no. But I did bring a moon pie, and one of my other students gave me a cookie.
AND icing on the cake...I just heard that I'm probably getting notice today.
::throws confetti::
WHAT? I just can't believe this. Do you think it's the same situation as last year when you had to wait a few months to know if you'd have a position for the following fall?
Oh man Jess this truly sucks.
It will be the same as last year. They could offer me a contract at any time. From May or June to August to never. I'll just get to sit around and wait, while being totally unable to get another job because every other school is doing the same thing.
I just got it! w00t!
I really want to sneak out of here early, but with the way today is going, I'm sure that would find some way to ruin my day, too.
x 1,000,000
I'm really sorry.
BFP#1 - 11/13/11, Natural MC - 12/24/11 at 12 weeks
BFP#2 - 10/2/12, Please be our rainbow.