The CNA program went well. It flew by!
My first day of clinicals scared the bajeezus out of me. Seriously. The first lady I helped with yelled out, said she couldn't breathe, and told me she wanted to die. I didn't want to go back. I hated being on that hall.
Fast-forward... I now work at that facility [it's a minute from my house!]... on that hall... and I love it.
It was crazy for the couple of months I had my class. I'd have class until 1, go home, do homework/study, go to work at Lowe's until 10. Wake up, do it all again.
I made it very clear to Lowe's that I was looking for another job, but that I had no interest in quitting Lowe's, but rather keeping it as a second job. The minute I told them I got a new job, they took me off of the new schedule and didn't tell me. I didn't end up going in for my last day. I hated doing that to my co-workers who had to pick up my slack, but I was flabbergasted that I was treated the way that I was. 18 months of working my butt off, never calling in, and that's how they repay me.
It was a blessing, though. At my new job, I can work tons of OT, so the time that I wanted to spend at Lowe's I can spend at my new job and make more money because of it.
I'm really looking forward to hopefully starting the LPN program in August. I love my job, but it's not one that I want to have forever, you know? It's great that I can have a job that I enjoy while I continue my education.
Re: **hitchedin2006**
Current job: nice to have some down time to study, but it is totally not a permanent job! I so hear ya on just having a job to pay the bills until education wise I can move on.
I wish DH made enough money that I could be a SAHW and live the lifestyle I want to live
Yes I am a golddigger according to DH. Ya know, St. Barts each summer, fully funded 401K, a new Lexus each year... oh, did I mention the housekeeper and personal chef? 
I've gotten that too. I get some that snub their nose up because of where he works... like... oh, you're on that side of the tracks. I try not to say where he works (minimize what he does) when people ask because I don't want to deal with the backlash. This was occurring even before the economy crashed. We just try to live a simple middle class life... heck, DH drives a 13 year old car because it still runs and it's paid off! [Although he asks weekly about trading it in... I like using my money for other things.] I'm just all mad lately cause my first degree and "career" (whatever that entails... I'm just a friggin' wreck this week) really don't mesh well with being "one of those" wives. I can't be a SAH, for my sanity (just as you say). Hence the desire to go back to school, as much as I hate it sucking the life out of me. I'm just not happy in my current career- the work, the benefits & the pay the field offers.
I gotta stop ranting now...