A few months back I mentioned the new DSLR camera I had gotten for Christmas. I bought a Panosonic GF1.
I was originally going to stick with a trusty Nikon, but when I saw how small the Panosonic was, I just couldn't resist! In the past year or so Panosonic has really jumped into the market with the approach of offering more compact equipment. Leica is making the lenses for the company.
I travel a lot and so far, it has been wonderful. The only disadvantage to the camera is that I don't have the freedom to choose from as many lenses as I would with a Nikon or Cannon. I also don't have a viewfinder on the camera, but, an external viewfinder is available if that is a deal breaker for you.
So for what it's worth, if you're interested in DSLRs you should check this out! I would love to hear if anyone else has also had such a good experience.