I really just need to publicly praise mine.
For the past month, *every* night, he has rubbed my hands and/or feet (sometimes both, sometimes just one). In the past few weeks, he's even gotten out the lotion and really gives me a good foot and hand rub. It's better than a mani or pedi.
I puffy heart him, because a good foot and hand rub just makes your whole body feel better. And I have to assume Molly loves whatever happy hormones my body releases when my feet and hands are rubbed, because she's kicking the crap out of me right now and during the rubs.
floating, puffy hearts, in the air above my head, cartoon style. Yes.
Re: Speaking of DHs...
can i borrow him? ?dh freaks if my feet go anywhere near him....never mind get a foot rub. ?you are a lucky lady.