Hi girls--
I'm starting a new job a few days a week down near LAX and live up in the valley (NoHo area) I know the 405 is HORRIBLE pretty much any day or time during the week; does anyone have any recommendations on better ways to get home? I've heard some people do sepulveda or the 10, but both seem pretty bad too.
Also, I have control over my own schedule and have the option of ending my day at 4 and jumping on the road north vs. staying until 6, then getting on the road...Would there be any less traffic at 6' versus 4'? I've been super spoiled and had a job right next door in Burbank for the past 2.5 yrs. SOOO not ready for the commute that's looming in my future :-/
Thanks for reading!
Re: driving tips to avoid 405?
When I did commute to Santa Monica from NoHo, the 405 wasn't too bad - it was getting there on the 101. I ended up taking side streets south of Ventura and going past the bottlenecked areas to get on the 405 closer to Mulholland. It took just under an hour.
I've also heard the 105 is good - but never tried it.