I have been offered a great job opportunity at another company. I would be doing what I'm doing now. I would have less responsibility than I have now and its ALOT more money, and better benefits. Right now I work M-F 8-4p. My new schedule would be :
Sunday night- 5p-7a, Tuesday 7a-5p, Thurs- 10a-10p, Fri 10a-10p. Since DH also works nights we have an issue on sunday night that would require Brianna to sleep over at my mothers- who lives 3 mins from us. And I would pick her up in the morning once I got out and bring her to day care. My mother is totally fine with this.. but I"m not sure if I am. I know she would be totally fine but its just the thought that my daughter can't be in her own bed and home for that night.
I like the idea of having monday and wednesday off. If we needed to keep Brianna home on those days we could.. but I'd like to keep her in daycare and not totally screw up her routine. Plus, she loves daycare and its good for her! The Thurs & friday nights are long shifts, but its not like I've never done them before. I just have to get used to doing that again. I realized last night that if I comitt to this schedule I'd be working, christmas, thankgiving, july 4th- all the major holidays. Unless they took my truck (ambulance) down on those days. I was REALLY looking forward to taking Brianna trick or treating this year since we didn't go last year. But its not going to happen. I'm SOO bummed I could cry.
Then this brings me to the issue of being pregnant again and having another child. Is this schedule fesible with a newborn? I certainly can't ask my mother to take Brianna AND a newborn over night!?? I guess I need to fill my birth control until we figure this out.
I have been with my current employer for almost 7 years. Its home to me and I'm so comfortable here. The thought of leaving this place and not seeing these people makes me so sad. But, I really think its time for me to move on. There are parts of my job that I'm really not happy about. I"ve communicated all my feelings, thoughts and ideas to my bosses and I see no conclusions or solutions coming from them to fix these problems. I'm doing three jobs- two of which I was not hired for. I asked for a raise - and was told than I would not be getting any kind of huge increase like I asked for. The sad part is after 7 years here they don't think I'm deserving of what I asked for. But yet this new company offered me exactly what I was looking for.
I know its hard to leave a job that you've been at for so long. Missing my c-workers isn't reason to stay at a job right? I just don't know why I'm so emotional about all of this. I think this is the right step to take.
Why can't life just be easy!?
Re: Ugh.. I don't know...(long)
That is such a tough situation Maura. It is hard to leave a job that you know so well & our comfortable w/ the co-workers etc. Even if you aren't completly happy, you are familiar w/ it & know what to expect. It is kind of that "evil you know vs evil you don't know" thing. It sounds like the new job would be a great opportunity for you; advancement, $ etc. But, only you can decide if the schedule would work for you & your growing family. Would that be your forever schedule? Is there any chance it could change when you have another baby? Would you always work all the holidays? It won't be as big of an issue now will Brianna is still little, but when she is a little older & really gets the holidays you will want to be there.
GL w/ whatever you decide!
tough situation Maura and I faced something similar a few years ago. I got offered a new job in central NH....sad thing is we were living in Dover and I had absolutely no desire to move, but I could not turn down the money. I am making more than anyone I know who does per diem and I am full time...pretty much the reason I don't work per diem anymore because the headache is not worth the pay. Anywho.....
I wouldn't like the hours though and working holidays...do you get holiday pay? My father (a FF/EMT) and mom (a nurse) always worked 12-16 hours on holidays when I was a kid. I never felt like I was missing out on something because they made Christmas eve extra fun. We just did things differently and adapted. Santa came a day early that was all. And I used to stay at my grandparents a lot during these years because both parents were working nights. The grandparents kept my routine pretty much as it was at home...story time, bed time, etc were all done at the same times.