Hey All,
I wanted to start a Kitchen Queens group here in Orlando/Kissimmee. Since we don't do meet-ups on here anymore I thought this would be a great way to get together and have some good eats! What the group will consist of it all girls who get together once a month and host a food themed party where all the girls cook something based on the theme and bring it to the party for all to try & swap recipes.
If you would be interested in something like this please PM me with your Email Address and you can forward it on to your friends. If I get enough girls for this the first meeting will probably sometime next month.
Re: Kitchen Queens
love the idea!
you got a PM!
Hey there. I am interested, but I don't have much time these days. Send me the email and hopefully I'll be able to come play.
Hey Girls!
Awesome I will keep you all in the loop of what is going on! Even if we have 5 girls for the first one I know it will catch on!
Hi--welcome to the board! Click on the "contact" button at the bottom right hand corner of Mrs.R's original post. It will send her a private message... that way your e-mail address isn't available for the world to see!
Hey Hun!
I'll go add you right now on Facebook!
You have a PM