Today is the LAST DAY to submit a comment to the GMO alfalfa Environmental Impact Statement. The USDA comment page is here:
This is more dangerous than the existing GMOs on the market (corn, soy, canola, cotton, and sugar) because alfalfa is a perrenial. So it's pollinated by bees. So those bees will spread GMO to everything they touch. The contamination of organic alfalfa, and possibly several other foods, is a serious threat to public health and safety.
The link below will allow you to comment on the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for GMO alfalfa. Consumers who ingest Roundup Ready alfalfa genes are risking their health; according to the EIS, "acute toxicity in mice was observed." The EIS warns that, "Based on upper estimates of exposure ... infants consuming fruit and all age groups consuming vegetables may be at risk of adverse effects associated with acute exposure to glyphosate residues."
The real problem I think is, once enough organic crops are contaminated with GMOs, Monsanto will say to the National Organic Program "Heyyy, so many crops are already contaminated and the organic sector is having troubles, why don't you drop the restriction on GMOs in organic foods?" Then we won't be able to buy our way out of not eating GMO food anymore. Our ability to have non-GMO food will be gone forever.
I write EISs for a living, this is the single best way to ensure your voice is heard. PLEASE help preserve organic food with a few minutes of your time.
Re: LAST DAY to fight against GMO alfalfa
Thank you for posting this. I submitted a comment.
I was trying to explain this exact issue to DH last night. He stays up on the current news, but really didn't know about this situation. He also thought that GMO was a fantastic and wonderful thing. It is sad to think that so many others simply don't know about this issue- and therefore are not speaking up.
I submitted one last week
I would like your reference material too, SG. holly 2 4 6 0 at gmail. (no spaces) - thx!
I was going to submit another comment, and it says document doesn't accept comments??