I stole it. Its' been a while.
How old were you when you had your first sip, and who gave it to you? 15 and I gave it to myself, my friend and I found some Tequila
Do you drink with your family/parents? Yes, I do
If you could only have one type of alcohol forever, what would it be? Probably vodka or chianti
Does alcohol make you super tired? No, but depends on the setting. If im out I dont get tired, If I drink a glass of wine at 9pm while on the couch, im bound to get tired..
Have you ever blacked out from too much? Like once.
How often do you get hangovers? What is your best hangover remedy? I never get hungover. ever. knock on wood.
Would you rather give up alcohol for a year or get $1000 cash? I'd rather give up the cash. I could do it but honestly $1000 isnt a lot of money and I'm sure there are things I am gonna wanna drink at in the next year..
What is your best/juiciest/funniest alcohol related story? hmm, idk. ive had some crazy stories in the past but none that really stick out. I hardly ever get drunk anymore but when I do, I get emotional.
Re: Survey-Alcohol Drinkers.
How old were you when you had your first sip, and who gave it to you? 17- my older brother who was 18
Do you drink with your family/parents? Not really. My parents don't drink, but they don't care if I do. I have had a few with DH's family. His dad makes this coconut alcohol drink every Christmas that is just yummy.
If you could only have one type of alcohol forever, what would it be? A nice Riesling wine
Does alcohol make you super tired? Sometimes depending on if I'm tired before drinking
Have you ever blacked out from too much? Once and only once...i hated the feeling (and the hangover the next day) of not being in control. Never again will I drink that much.
How often do you get hangovers? What is your best hangover remedy? Rarely now, but when I used to go our regularly my prevention was a huge glass of water and two Tylenol before even going to bed. 9 times out of 10 I'd wake up fine the next day.
Would you rather give up alcohol for a year or get $1000 cash? I'll take the money... I haven't had a drink in 9 months and I'm ok with that. It'll probably be a whole year since I'm planning on breast feeding.
What is your best/juiciest/funniest alcohol related story? I have a couple. One was in Hartford and involved offering a cop directing traffic a hot dog from the street vendor because "he was working hard and looked hungry". He seriously almost took it.
Man, I guess we're the only drinkers around here and I hardly ever drink anymore...even before I got pregnant!!
How old were you when you had your first sip, and who gave it to you? 11, I was at a friends house and our moms were having a drink, they let us have like two sips.
Do you drink with your family/parents? Only at special events.
If you could only have one type of alcohol forever, what would it be? Probably rum.
Does alcohol make you super tired? Sometimes, more lately since I have zero tolerance now!
Have you ever blacked out from too much? No
How often do you get hangovers? What is your best hangover remedy? I get hungover if I have three or more. There are remedies? I just lay in bed and die!
Would you rather give up alcohol for a year or get $1000 cash? I would take the cash these days.
What is your best/juiciest/funniest alcohol related story? I'm married to that story now!