South Carolina Nesties
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Fanning the flames... What would YOU never do?
What is something that many people do that you would never do?
Let's see how many people we can get up in arms 
Re: Fanning the flames... What would YOU never do?
Dump my dog at a shelter or chain her to a tree to live outside.
Eat ground beef or instant mashed potatoes.
"go green" in any way that didn't financially benefit me.
LOL...the SC board hasn't seen this much action in a while!
I would never...
-talk on the phone while in the bathroom (seriously, my boss does this a lot. it's so weird to me)
-dump my dogs, let them roam around outside without a leash/collar/supervision, or use the Dog Whisperer techniques on them (ahem, MIL...stop telling me how great the dog whisperer is and all the ways our dog is going to kill our non-existent children)
I'm sure there are others...I'm a peculiar person about some things!
I grew up on instant mashed potatoes. We only had 'real' mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving, and it was a BIG deal. I didn't even realize that most people had real potatoes on a regular basis until high school, when my boyfriend at the time was totally grossed out by the potato flakes.
But I won't make instant potatoes now...I've learned!
You and my husband could not possibly co-exist. Those are his 2 favorite foods.
-buy a mix of any kind (seasoning packets, cake mix, brownie mix), use cream of crap, or buy jarred pasta sauce
-do it up the butt (thanks for pointing that out MrsZ!)
-rehome my dog
Married 05.24.08
Missed m/c discovered 07.25.12 at 8w5d- Always loving our Peanut
BFP #2 EDD 06.08.13
"For this child we prayed..." (1 Samuel 27)
So excited to meet Amelia Catherine!
I would never:
1. Talk on my cell phone while someone is trying to ring up my purchases while shopping or take my order at a restaurant. I think that's incredibly rude. I get fired up if I'm on line behind a person talking on their cell and the poor cashier is like "Can I help you?" and that person is chattering away. PUT. YOUR CALL ON HOLD or CALL THE PERSON BACK. GRRRR!
2. Do it up the butt either (ewwww!)
3. Scream and curse at my child. I have a friend who does that and I think it's appalling. Yelling at them is one thing i.e. "NICHOLAS STOP HITTING THE DOG!" but saying "GET AWAY FROM THE DOG! YOU LITTLE SH-IT" is not okay in my book.
Okay I am too tired to think of any more.
LOL...I LOVE that you call it 'cream of crap'! My DH makes this 'tuna casserole' (it's not anything like any tuna casserole I would make) and I always make fun of all the cream of crap he puts in it. Yuck!
Ok, I couldn't think of anything yesterday, but I got one today.
I would never use Santa as a reason my children should behave. I have had this discussion with a friend that doesn't beleive in "lying" to his children about Santa existing. I don't agree with him and think children should have the joy of Santa when they're younger. However, I do agree that parents shouldn't use Santa to make their kids behave
"If you don't stop screaming, Santa won't come this year bc you're a bad little girl/boy" -- makes me cringe!