I planted two types of lettuce, spinach, radishes and broccoli almost 3 weeks ago. Nothing has sprouted.
1) I water them daily with a spray bottle, but the dirt seems pretty dried out by the next day. More water? Water more than once daily?
2) They're in my garage, by a window that gets ambient light all day, but no direct sunlight. I started out w/o any lights since we're in such a mild climate. It's probably 45 at night and 55 during the day on average. Do I need grow lights?
3) Do I need to start over with new seeds when I adjust conditions, or are these ones salvageable at all?
I'm going to go ahead and direct sow the greens and radishes, but I'm going to have to make it work pretty soon for tomatoes and other summer veggies, and I'd like to get the broccoli going. TIA!!
Re: A few seed questions
1. I usually cover my seeds until they've sprouted with plastic wrap so the water doesn't evaporate. Once they've sprouted, then I kind of water them like you would any other plant.
2. grow lights aren't about heat, they are about light. The radishes need to be directly sown into the ground, so I think you'll need to start over with them...you can't really transplant them. Anyways, I would get a grow light. I doubt they'll be getting enough light w/ just indirect light. Also, you may want to see what temps your seeds need to germinate (might say on the package or googling)
3. Personally, I would do an experiment & start some fresh and continue with the others.
1. Yes, you need more water. Use more water and water less often. Get them good and wet, and then let them dry. Don't leave them too wet though, or else they will mold.
2. You need more heat, and yes, perhaps a grow light. Heat is what makes them sprout, and light is what makes them grow. Your garage seems too cold. Bring them inside, set them by a window, and supplement with a grow light.
3. I'd give your current seeds a chance. Give them a week or so in 70 degree temperatures and they should sprout by then. If not, buy new seeds.
Ditto on the heat. I planted lettuce and spinach seeds on Friday (2/26) and had sprouts yesterday. I set my seed trays on top of my refrigerator for germination.