Does anyone know of some decent places to buy furniture around town? We're looking for a little more modern living room set, and I'm kindof looking for shelving and nightstands and stuff like that. We've checked out Furniture Deals so far. I'd like to find some consignment shops too, cause I'm definitely not above buying used furniture, just as long as it's still nice looking, or at least something I can fix up a bit.
So if anyone knows of some decent consignment shops, or affordable furniture stores, I'd love to check them out! My husband currently isn't working (the joys of no new construction work!) so we're sortof on a tight budget.
Re: Furniture places in the KC area?
We have bought furniture from Nebraska Furniture Mart and JC Penney. OUr bedroom set is from World Market- it wasn't a place I thought to buy furniture, but I fell in love with it when I saw it. It would be worth a look at least