I'm at work, enjoying the fact that my boss isn't here just a little toooo much, and looking forward to the weekend!
What does everyone have going on? I see Katie is going to Disney (so jealous!), a few of you are working tomorrow (boo) and some of us are meeting up tomorrow (squee!).
Aside from our GTG, I have a hair appt tomorrow morning to become a blonde again as my roots are at an alarming length. Annnddd DH unexpectedly got the night off tomorrow night so we're going to see if we can catch a showing of Alice in Wonderland somewhere. Sunday is going to running errands, mostly. Groceries, getting Chewy groomed, etc..
Re: Happy Friday, girls!
Woo Hoo for Friday!! It has been such a busy week in the office that all my coworkers and I are walking the hallways doing the happy dance.
Today we are doing our usual dinner and a movie. We will be watching Alice in Wonderland. For dinner I think we might have some Thai food. Yummy.
Tomorrow I will be going to the salon for my manicure then I will head out to the GTG. Crossing my fingers I don't get lost LOL. In the evening we will probably just stay in.
Sunday we are going to have pizza with DH's family at a little pizzeria in Tamarac that we love.
Happy happy friday!!!!
I am soo looking forward to the weekend...its my DH's birthday and I have a bunch of surprises lined up..I think I'm more excited than him
I hope we'll be able to watch alice in wonderland tonight, i love tim burton!!
Have a great weekend everyone!!
Yay for the weekend!! I am working from home today and taking my dog to the vet in a few to get her stitches removed. I'm excited for her to be without her cone!
Tomorrow is the GTG - yay! I also plan on doing some shopping afterwards and then my nieces birthday is tomorrow night. I'm helping my sister with the party. It's a Spa Party!
Tomorrow night, probably doing something with DH if he can get off, not sure what though. No other plans!
Shopping at IKEA by any chance? I sooo want to spend some time there since I never trek up that way.
Happy Friday!!
I was just at IKEA yesterday. They had some fun new stuff!