A friend from work invited me to her partner's shower. They are having a baby girl. I found a cute little onesie that says "I love my Mommies" but hesitated to buy it. I don't know the politics behind someone not super close to them buying something like this. To me it says, "Hey, I found a unique onesie that I don't know if you know exists and I thought you'd like it." but I don't want the moms to interpret it as "I'm so cool. Look how down I am with your lifestyle." I'm sure they get bombarded with both extremes every day - people who are opposed to their lifestyle and feel they have the right to tell them, but (what I assume would be equally offensive) also people who approve of their lifestyle and want to make a big spectacle out of how much they approve and how great of a humanitarian they are for approving.
Am I over-thinking this? Should I get them the onesie?
Re: Advice from Mommies, please.
I got a bib at our shower from one of our straight friends with that on it. Didn't think twice about it. Annie has worn it a lot. I would say go for it.