My house looks very "eh", but has potential. We're putting up flower boxes and shutters, and I can't wait!
I also want to plant flowers along the front walkway and perhaps other places. Has anyone ever planted along a walkway before? Is it much more difficult than planting in boxes?
If you think planting along a whole walkway is too much let me know that as well. It's my first time planting flowers at this house and any advice would be helpful. I'm going to go to the local greenhouse and ask them what types of perannials (sp?) are best for me.
Also, can I pull out all of the shrubs in front of my house and plant flowers along the houseline? The shrubs are so grandma like. We don't really need the shrubs for privacy... what can I do to make my house look like one of those that you drive by and say "aww, look at that house!"
Re: New house, first time planting flowers
What zone or part of the country are you in?
I prefer evergreens and shrubs against a house foundation. Otherwise in the winter everything dies back and you are looking at concrete.
A lot of perennials bloom once and that's it. If you go the perennial route make sure they bloom all summer long.
Thanks! I am in NJ. I'll be sure to get perennials that bloom all summer long! Good tip, thanks.
The front of our house is brick, not concrete, that's why I'm thinking I may be able to get away without shrubs. Not sure about this though.
I think a combination of both unique shrubs and perennials looks the best. I'd rip out the old and I'm guessing overgrown shrubs and put in some (but not as many to leave room for flowers) unique ones. Some of the wine weigelas for example have purple foliage with small pink flowers.