I also bought one from Etsy that I like as well from Dailey's. However, I wanted to make my own and got this recipe. I love, love, love it! It works really well!
Here's the recipe:
1/4 cup baking soda (I use less because I have
sensitive skin)
1/4 cup cornstarch
10 drops tea tree oil or
lavender oil (you can use any essential oil, but the recipe suggests
these two for their antibacterial qualities)
2-5 TBSP coconut oil
all ingredients together and place in old deodorant stick or glass
container. Let sit to mold for 1 day.
Note: I initially used 2
TBSP of coconut oil, but I found it was too crumbly. 3 seemed to do the
trick for me, but I guess it depends on your preference. You do need
to be careful if using a deodorant stick because during hot weather, the
coconut oil will melt. I haven't had this problem, but you can put in a
glass container and when it melts, just use it like a wet roll-on
(still works great!) This is truly the best deodorant I have ever
used, and it's very cheap too make!
Re: Homemade Deodorant Recipe That Really Works!
I made this last night and used it this morning. So far so good! I didn't use the tea tree oil because the smell makes me gag and I don't have any lavendar oil yet (I'll pick up some when I'm out next) but the other stuff I had on hand and it's working great. I was so hesitant to try this because I've always had to use the "clinical strength" stuff but hate it because it's chemical laden and not green at all. It's a comfortable temp here today so we'll see how it holds up in warmer weather, but so far day one is a success!
Oh...and you can get coconut oil at most grocery or health food stores, places like whole foods or online at places like netrition (we buy it by the gallon tub at netrition because we eat it, use it for moisturizer, feed to our dogs, etc).
Bookmarked for whenever I find coconut oil.
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