Long Island Nesties
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come in any nestie in the Bay Shore area :)
We're in the process of buying a house in Bay Shore (south of Sunrise) can anyone tell me how the area is or have any info for me? After hearing about the shooting and gang related activity on this morning's news my DH and I are kind of nervous now about bringing or 20month old son out there. We are moving from BKLYN so that he could grow up with a backyard in a "safer" area than we're in now, but now we're kind of second guessing our decision. We know that NO place is wonderland, but we kind of wanted to avoid as much gang activity/shootings as possible 
Thanks for any info you guys might have on the area!
Re: come in any nestie in the Bay Shore area :)
Hi there!I grew up in Bay Shore, and my mom lives there still. Like any other town, it has good areas and bad areas. Back in the 80s BS had taken a down-turn, but in recent years its really making a come back. Main St has lots of great restaurants (be sure to visit Milk n Sugar... it's so cute!), shops, and quite a few pubs. You mentioned you're moving south of sunrise, which generally speaking is a better area than north of sunrise. the further south you go, the better. i can say this because my mom lives north of sunrise and it can be shady in her area. the further north you go, the closer you get to brentwood which is having a lot of problems with gang violence now. you've probably done this, but I would suggest you take the time to really ride around the neighborhood. you should be able to get a good sense of whether your area is a safe one. again, there are some nice areas with million dollar homes and some areas are not so nice. best of luck to you!!
I live in Bay Shore now..It's probably one of the most economically (culturally too) diverse areas on Long Island. It sounds like you're going to be in the Brightwaters area which is on the nicer side. We live in between the southern and sunrise which is more of a "blue collar" area. Personally, I wouldn't mind staying in Bay Shore, but DH doesn't want our dd in the schools here. I've heard they have great programs and funding since it's a low cost of living area. One of his friends kids went through and his experience was most of the funding goes to the athletic programs as opposed to academics. I'm not sure how accurate it is since I never really looked into it, but it kind of makes sense since alot of the kids will be relying on scholarships for college. Eh..overall I like it, I would like it alot more if I was south of sunrise
You'll love gardiners park on Montauk Highway...I go there with DD alot..it's great if you have a dog. They have a few trails that lead to the water and a great play ground of the kids. There are also lots of good restaurants on main st. Good luck!!
Hey Dana,
Bayshore is a very diverse area some parts is exquisite south of main st. and others are not so good 3rd 4th and 5th aveunues though they are working on fising them up over there, but like others said its an up and coming town, over the past few years the town has gotten much better. My DH and I were also looking at houses there, we are actually buying a house in Babylon now. My reccomendation is to stay either in West bayshore area or brightwater farms area, which are both the nicer parts of Bayshore, and Brightwaters is gorgeous. I wouldn't venture too close tto or past 2nd avenue which is where it begins to get alittle rough. The schools are average I think you should be safe, due to the schools being state funding for better educational programs in the past few years, same goes for West Babylon. You just have to be careful in where you live. I would drive around the area check out the other houses and there yards see how well kept the neighborhood is. You can also drive by the schools and wait to the kids to get out to get an idea of what types of kids go to the schools in that area. Good luck! hope this helps.