Has anyone installed/renovated/demolished an in-ground pond?
We have a huge one ( share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=8AbN2rZi3cNmIs)
and love the idea of it and sound of the water fall/stream but don't have the time to maintain it properly. It was here when we bought the house. We've always discussed changing the rocks/stones around the edge as they are not cemented down and are just sharp and dangerous with kids (3yo and one on the way). So we are re-using the stones inside and around the edges for a flagstone path from our garage around to the back yard.
We are also removing the walkway pavers (DH hates them and I'm not totally in love with them so that was agreeable. We are going to do the flagstone path mentioned above to the pond and then do something like this around the immediate pond and remove the bridge: http://nmlandscaping.com/image/pondsready/pond3b.jpg (what we are talking about is like the bottom half of the picture where it is hanging over the liner so we don't have to do anything to the inside).
We are also considering drastically reducing the size of the bottom pond to have less of a potential safety hazard with not only our kids but neighbor kids.
Would it be crazy to leave the soft liner as is, add a hard liner like this: http://www.constructionjunction.org/files/image/products/1215782634-P1000400.JPG and back fill in the rest with dirt?
Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated. We will probably do most of it ourselves and then hire someone to bring in the huge flagstone pieces that surround the pond.