Ok, So i have not "packed a bag" for the hospital in 5 years now. We started it a while ago, but I dont know what to finnish it with. This is what I have so far...
A go home outfit for the baby
The Baby Books (for the little footprint / hand prints.. they told us to bring them).
Snacks for Carl (he will get low blood sugar and get shakey if he doesnt eat)
My Rice Sock (carl is insisting)
Bathroom things (Shampoo / Soap / Deoderant / Toothbrush and Paste / Mouthwash / Comb)
Ok, so that is it so far. I know I need a go home outfit for myself (going to Old Navy later to find some comfy lounge pants). Also, what things should we bring for Carl? He knows he wants to bring a change of clothes, but anything else I should reccomend for him?
TIA!!! Im sooo last minute suzy on this stuff!
Re: Calling all Moms.....
iPod or any kind of CD you may want to listen to
Deodorant for your DH, toothbrush, gum, mints
,,,you don't really need much - your own pillow if you want, I guess...but you sound pretty set...maybe a magazine or something to read while you are waiting for the induction to take place...
If you're delivering at St. Joe's, TerriD will give you a rice sock while you are there - so you don't need to bring one - just ask her for one!
I never packed stuff for DH, told him to pack his own damned bag! I realize more and more everyday on this board what an awful wife I am, KWIM?
Don't forget a pair of slippers if you don't like hospital-issued slipper socks because they will MAKE you wear them!
i had to wear dh's slippers home cuz my feet were so swollen!
nail file for baby
big brother presents?
Hair elastics
Nail file for baby
Slippers or flip-flops
Phone chargers
DH brought several changes of clothes (since we were in Lebanon he couldn't come home), something to sleep in, flip-flops, reading material, his toiletries & glasses, a few snacks & drinks, $ for the cafe & change for vending machines.
St Joe's have rice socks.
What we found handy:
iPod or music
focal point (we brought my fave teddy bear)
deodorant (you get sweaty after all that pushing!)
notepad & paper, if you want to make notes or anything
cell phone & charger
list of people to contact & their #'s?
PS- The nurses there are the BEST! ?They brought me about 80 glasses of apple-cran juice, because that's all I craved.?