So Carl got ahold of the Vet. We are going to bring her there on Friday morning (well, Carl is... i will still be at the hospital, i am sure). They are going to give her a check up (she is ready for new shots) and fix the flea problem. Then they are going to board her until Tuesday. When we get her from the vet, we are going to bring her to Carl's aunts house for the rest of the week until we move to the new house. So she doesnt come home and risk getting more fleas. My Mother in law wants to set bombs off in the condo the day before we move and then she wants to set one off in the stupid neighbor next door's face, ha-ha! I love her sometimes!!!
So that is our update. She is going to stay here in the house tonight and tomorrow. My IL's will check on her tomorrow since it is sure to be a big day for us and Carl doesnt know if he'll get home. I cant wait to get out of this building. I feel bad for the Kittens next door. He still has them, and he most certinaly should not!!!
Re: Update on my poor cat...