We tried solids again - last time we tried, Austin started crying and wanted nothing to do with it (we had tried for 3 days in a row a week or so ago), so I figured we'd stop and try again later....mommy instinct told me to try again today after I BFed him and I started feeding him, he started crying and I realized it was because I wasn't giving it to him fast enough!! He kept sucking it off the spoon and smacking his lips and I could hear his stomach growling/gurgling....I gave him enough until he seemed uninterested and then he was ready for a nap....I was swaying with him before I put him down and he was totally zonking out! YAY for a full belly
He has also taken to staring at his left hand with intensity:
I've been trying to take a photo all day of him sticking his tongue out as well - he sticks it out to the side and curls it - it's pretty amusing I'll get a photo at some point!
Re: Fun happenings with Austin