Oh my goodness- this weekend was madness!
I got home Friday, and DH and I just had a pretty chill evening (I was kind of moping about some friends of mine and didn't want to do much) but we did end up over at the mall. Saturday *started* great- went to get my hair done (it's finally looking normal again from a color mistake I made at a diff salon a few weeks ago), then went to the Diamondbacks/Mariners game. Well, we got home to take a nap and MIL calls to tell us that FIL had an accident. They were up sledding in Snow Bowl, and FIL hit a bump, and broke/shattered his L11 (I think thats how you "say" it). So we pile into the car early Sunday morning, drop the dog off with my folks in Prescott, then drive up to Flagg. FIL is fine... but he's set to be released Tues and MIL's surgery is Wednesday (the lump removal I talked about earlier) and there is no way we were letting her postpone that.
SO this week DH and I are responsible for getting BIL (11 y/o) to school, and mending two healing inlaws Thurs/Fri...
I was actually grateful Monday came- Work is a nut house, but not so emotionally taxing (most days).
How was YOUR weekend LOL
Re: Happy Monday!
Wow Jen! You had an eventful weekend
This weekend was pretty mellow for me. Ran a lot of errands and still didn't finish.
I haven't been looking forward to this week at all. My life is going to be nuts for the next month+. This weekend we go out to riverside, ca for my FIL's services, the next weekend is dominic's party in my tiny house and i'm not really sure how everyone is going to fit. The weekend after that we head out to san diego to scatter FIL's ashes in the ocean off a ship...then I get a weekend off but the next weekend D and I are going to visit my bumpie friend in washington! I am seriously going to have an anxiety attack
Wow...that's crazy! I hope they both get better soon!! So, your FIL shattered a disc???? EW!!!! I can't even imagine that! I had a herniated disc once and THAT was horrible, I can't imagine how bad a shattered disc would hurt.
Our weekend was fun but I'm ready to have a weekend with nothing to do.
My IL's came into town on Wednesday so we went to Scottsdale every night to see them.
Friday night we went out to Don & Charlies with them, 2 of their friends and pitcher from the A's.
Saturday, I had my flag football championship game that we lost.
Then we went back to Scottsdale, laid by their hotel pool, ordered pizza and laughed at the drunk parents. haha
Yesterday, we laid by the pool again, hung out, I went shopping and then had our bowling league.
I'm sick of doing sooo much on the weekends! I can't wait for March to be over with!
My weekend was pretty good! Carl took Friday off to get the rest of our papers in order to get the new car. We had to go to the bank to pick up the check and went to the DMV to get our AZ licenses. Woops, we've been here since July and just now did that. Saturday, we went down to Mesa to get the new car. I stopped on the way back to get New Moon. We had a BBQ Saturday night and then relaxed. Sunday, we went up to Lake Pleasant for the afternoon. Will got his first big boy knee scrapes poor little dude. But he handled it well. We took the kids to DQ and then went grocery shopping...
Monday came way to quickly... Luckly, we dont have a lot going on this coming weekend. Carl's b-day is on Monday, so I need to go shopping on Thursday or Friday to find something for him. I think I am going to get him an Ipod dockin station so he can hook his Ipod up at work.
Let me see when I have jj this week and maybe we can go shopping thursday. We leave friday so can't do that day. Yes, I'm inviting myself.
Saturday we woke up around 7, got ready, checked out and went to the Base and wait in a huge line to just get in. But the air show was great and all the older planes were awesome. It was hot and I got tanned and I am not too excited about it. Sunday was just a short day, did laundry and cleaned house but the day seemed so short. I hope this week is a good week.
Click Me
Well, as long as you invited yourself
Oh my goodness! You definitely had a busy weekend! Yikes! My mom fractured her L2 vertebrae, she's healed up, but still gets sore from time to time. You will all be in our thoughts & prayers this week. Hope the MIL's surgery goes well & FIL does well too!
We had a pretty good weekend. Friday, we grabbed some take out, and watched Up In The Air. I thought it was okay. Cute, but not "OMG, I need to buy that movie" good. Saturday, we went to lunch at Kona Grill, did shopping (yay!) at San Tan & Old Navy, went out to dinner at Nando's. We had planned on stopping by to see a band that night, (one of DH's co-worker's boyfriend is in it) but DH wasn't feeling so great, so we headed home.
Sunday, I went shopping for DH's birthday (which is Thursday). Came home, and did tons of laundry. Everything is washed, folded & hung up now. Woo hoo! I don't mind doing laundry it's the folding & putting away I dread. I made bbq ribs last night for dinner, which turned out delicious!
WHAT?!?!? I'm a HUGE A's fan-- is it a current pitcher? Can you say who it is?!?! I'm jealous!!
This weekend was pretty mellow for us. Pizza and a movie (Law Abiding Citizen, so good!) Friday night, I had blood drawn for my betas on Saturday morning, we went to lunch, then did a photo shoot with our truck for a magazine. Sunday we steam cleaned our carpets and grocery shopped, fun!
I have been so freakin' exhausted lately! I'm taking naps during the day, falling sleep on the couch by 9 pm, and I'm usually a total night owl! Hopefully it's not like this for the next 8 months, I'll never get anything done!
Our weekend was slightly eventful. Saturday we dropped off Ry with Tay and headed out to Chandler for a red cup party for a coworkers birthday. It was lots of fun; beer pong, keg, hot dog eating contest, etc. On the way home, Cam threw up all over himself in the car. Disgusting. not only that he washed his wallet and cell phone in the pants he threw up on. Sunday morning, we went and picked up Ry, then all three of us took a long nap. Sunday was a relaxing day, minus having to go shopping for a new wallet and phone for him.
Not looking forward to this week at all; festival season officially starts tomorrow. So cam will be gone for the entire week. Not fun!!
lol Yes, it's a current pitcher...Brad Ziegler! You know of him? He's a reaaaaaally nice, down to earth, guy!
I seen this place on TV. Is the food really good? That's cool that you know that guy too.
Click Me
Yeah, their food is delicious! Not a huge menu but def. very tasty!!
Holy crazy weekend for Jen!
I'm so tired of weekends going by so fast. I really want to have a schedule where I can work two weeks straight and have a week off.
This weekend was our anniversary. We didn't do too much since I've been so pooped. But I cooked up a storm yesterday and we got in some quality time together.
I'm leaving work to go home and eat some wedding cake. Yummmerific.
Jen, I'm sorry things have been so crazy! I hope everything turns out for the best!
I'm looking forward to this week being over!
This huge conference I've been working on will be over!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like I'll need to sleep for a week to get the amount of sleep I've lost lately. I've been going to be no earlier than 3 or 4 am, as late as 5:30. It SUCKS!!!
Sorry for complaining. I'm just tired.