My 9 year old sister has weird hair. She gets this thick oil, and lots of it, on her scalp. It's causing acne along her hairline. However, because the oil is so thick (I've never seen anything like it), it doesn't spread down her hair shaft and the rest of her hair is soooo dry. My mom has taken her to doctors and dermatologists but they haven't been able to fix it- they just treat the acne along her hairline.
Her hair is so dry it's breaking and it always matted, and her scalp often smells, even when washing it daily. All the anti-oil shampoos my mom has tried is making the ends of her hair worse. I'm a recent convert to BS and ACV and it's working great for me, so I washed my sister's hair with my regimen, and although the ACV did seem to condition her hair, I don't think the BS is enough to clean her scalp properly.
I was thinking of throwing some tea tree oil in the BS solution? Would that help, does anyone know?
Re: has anyone tried tea tree oil in BS "shampoo"?