I know this board is pretty slow but I need to share my excitment. I came up with a revolutionary idea for a local business, and I think I'm going to try to convince hubby to go through with it.
Of course it will take time, but after thinking through the logistics, I think I can do it for relatively low startup costs. It will start as an online business, and if it does well, I'd like to eventally have a store. It will support local SAH/WAH moms, plus advocate for greening our community.
I don't want to share too much info since this is a public forum, but I'm giddy excited about this. I even started doodling out plans and logos today. Whoop. I would love to be a SBO someday :: le sigh::
Re: Can I AW for a second?
I know you don't want to share too much, but did you by any change post a CL ad? I think I saw it.
Sounds like a good idea! Good luck and I may want to talk to you more about it when things are better established.
I did! I've gotten an amazing number of responses (there are some awesomely crafty mamas around here!) and I'm even more pumped now. DH and I had a long talk about it last night and I was explaining that I think there is definitely a market for it here and that I think we could have it up and running by Oct-Nov. He thinks I'm a little nutty, but nothing out of the ordinary for me
I've already got the paperwork for an LLC in the works and I'm working on securing a domain name since the web will be the primary form of business in the beginning. I've talked to a lawyer about the required paperwork and such and started planning where and how we will house inventory, etc.
I'm going to continue collecting responses from the CL ad as my primary recruiting tool for now and I'll share more detail with the respondants in probably a month or once the business name is official and such.
The suspense is killing me! Good luck with whatever it is.
I would love to have a little bit of .com business on the side just to make some extra cash.
Yes the suspense is killing me... I want to go stalk Craigslist now, but it's blocked at work. Thank heavens The Nest is not blocked!
I wish I had a great idea for a business... the only one I ever had was for an after hours child care center (but drop-in... there are similar places in large metro areas), but that needs so much capital... and hello... I would NEVER have a life on weekends or evenings